Technical updates, referral fixes and other news; Feb 14th, 2018

Fluz App
3 min readFeb 14, 2018


Hello community members,

Our team has been busy with continuous support after the Token sale end and embracing new responsibilities coming with the upcoming project. If you are experiencing longer response times as usual from our team, please be patient- we are trying our best to answer all messages in a reasonable timeframe.

So, here are the most recent updates:

Technical updates

Last week we were working on the user flow design for invitation and network growth module, including seat issuing, registration, security protocol, invitation channels and email automations. In addition to that we are developing a beta referral rewards system in order to gamify the invitation process in service of promoting and proliferating consumer network growth (leading up to and throughout launch).

Also, we have started content work for Fluz Fluz Knowledge Base to assist Fluzzers with their questions or issues and promote continuous engagement. Currently we have determined points in our project documentation that are subject to the most questions our support team have been receiving and will expand all these points that needed extra information.

Team updates

New colleague on-boarding is in progress and we are integrating Fluz Fluz US team members in a variety of positions. We will start introducing new and current team members to the Fluz Fluz community in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned!

As mentioned in earlier posts, we are working on several partnerships in retail and services industries to expand Fluzzer’s US consumer options. We will keep you updated once details and partners are ready to be shared.

Referral bonuses

After numerous requests and questions our team has decided to make our Referral Bonus calculations public. You can check the details of the bonuses for each Referral code here.

We are striving for full transparency with our contributors so feel free to contact us in case there are any questions.

Fluz Fluz events

A meetup was held in New York City on February 6th, 2018 to discuss exciting developments, answer questions and absorb feedback directly from community. This is a constant and rewarding process for both parties as the community members can have a look into our plans directly without intermediaries and we have a chance to get first hand feedback. You can expect more meetups in the near future.

We will be posting videos from the last weeks meetup in the upcoming days. Stay tuned!

Fluz Fluz in the news

Fluz Fluz has recently been featured in two articles. Feel free to share and like the posts for higher exposure!

YAHOO FINANCE: Fluz Fluz Blockchain Cashback Platform Aims to Enter and Reshape US Consumer Market

THE MERKLE: Fluz Fluz Blockchain-Based Cashback Platform ICO Sells Out in Days

Join our Telegram group if you have any other questions or if you are interested in updates from our community and team here: Fluz Fluz Telegram



Fluz App

Fluz, the payment app that keeps giving back. Earn money while you use Fluz to pay, and keep earning whenever your friends do.