Passive income for everyone- Fluz Fluz model

Fluz App
4 min readDec 11, 2017


There are many ways to go if you want to obtain passive income, but without serious effort at the beginning or some starting capital it is next to impossible to get a good income stream going fast. We are not going too deep in different possibilities on how you can obtain passive income as there are hundreds of articles out there already, however we would like to introduce you to our network consumption model that everyone can benefit from.

We in Fluz Fluz are bringing the possibility of earning passive income to the masses. The approach to making this happen is leveraging buying power of a network to obtain discounts and cash-backs from big service and product companies or big all-in-one merchants. In this case large merchants benefit through Fluz Fluz by bundling consumer demand and receiving consumer insight. Smaller merchants benefit by acquiring new customers who are part of the Fluz Fluz network.

Fluz Fluz’s power comes from the fact that network members can generate cash back rewards through their everyday household purchases and shopping habits of their social network. In our model each members’ network can grow up to 65,535 members through 15 subsequent levels. The total cash back is split 50/50 between the purchasing Fluzzer and the participating upstream network.

Since the model is running on redeemable gift cards, consumers are not forced to purchase a specific product or service. They are free to stick to their usual consumption habits and preferences on any of the available retail partners. As long as the Fluzzer makes at least two monthly item purchases of any value or retailer and remains active on the site under a “give and take” logic, he or she can generate constant passive income through the purchasing power bundling.

In fact, not only they can earn thousands of dollars every month from the network’s combined purchases, users can also transfer Fluz (cash back rewards), to anyone in their network in an easy-to-use mobile environment.

Naturally, the earliest joiners have the highest probability and normally the shortest period of time to start receiving constant hard cash back rewards from the network’s purchases. As more and more consumers join the binary network they will be automatically allocated horizontally to the next free seat, therefore filling the network layer by layer. This auto-fill mechanism is complemented with the individual invitation possibility of new users. Each user is able to directly invite friends and family into his/her extended network.

Current state of project:

The project has already been running in an off-chain environment for about a year. As per October 2017 the company is transacting in Colombia and has built:

1. Robust digital gift code marketplace

2. Strong and growing consumer network that is already generating real residual income for tens of thousands of consumers already and where early joiners are already making several hundreds of dollars month on month.

3. Signed retail partners in every product category resulting in over 3,000 locations now processing digital gift codes with Fluz Fluz technology

4. World class off-chain application with functioning features like gift card purchase, gift card storage, gift card re-sending, points transfer, cash-out requests, in-built messaging service, bitcoin payment gateway, consumer network graphic view, individual reference code and geolocalized store search for redemption.

Expansion to global markets:

Once the Token sale is successfully finished, Fluz Fluz will start its launch preparations for the US market entry. Thereby we will follow a proven retail redemption approach focused on nationwide operating merchants which gives us an ideal kick-start for the US launch. Together with the US market launch, Fluz Fluz will introduce a single global consumer network. This means that new users joining the cash back network in any future country where Fluz Fluz launches local retail redemption options including the United States, will all enroll on a unique binary network.

Within this global network, Fluz Fluz is offering a total of 16.383 premier network seats. These premier network seats can be acquired through a qualifying amount of tokens. The first ICO token buyers may choose to occupy the seat himself/herself or re-sell it to another interested party through a private seat exchange.

If you are interested in earning passive income with Fluz Fluz, join our ICO to obtain a premier seat in the upcoming Global Fluz Fluz network.

You can join our ICO here:

Join our Telegram group if you have any other questions or if you are interested in updates from our community and team here: Fluz Fluz Telegram



Fluz App

Fluz, the payment app that keeps giving back. Earn money while you use Fluz to pay, and keep earning whenever your friends do.