Seating Event Poll

Fluz App
3 min readJun 28, 2018


Dear Founders,

The team here at Fluz always has our ears to the ground, and one of our utmost priorities is meeting and maintaining the highest expectations of the community. We are well aware that a portion of our core user base is concerned with the final protocol for the seating event, and we want you to know we are listening.

As a result, we are going to be placing the seating event on hold, until our group can come together and decide in a more conclusive manner of how the next phase of the project should unfold. We expect this to push back the opening of the seating platform by approximately 2 weeks, but in the end we will really be ensuring we are giving everyone a chance to get their voices heard so we can move forward in unity which is very important.

As most of you should be aware by now based on the last medium article we released, the first method that the team proposed for the seating event is as follows (please see the last article for a more in-depth user journey):

1) Users send their entire balance of FLUZ tokens to a smart contract.

2) The smart-contract will return 5% of the tokens each month.

The new method that the team is also providing as an option can be detailed as such:

1) Token holders will transfer all of the tokens out of the exchange + into 1 single wallet address, and use the seating platform to select their number and preferred placement of tiers. This step is the same as the previous method.

2) Close to the start of the actual seating lotto (where users will get their final seating placement) a “snapshot” will be taken of all FLUZ wallets, along with the total number of tokens held in each wallet. This snapshot will be what we use to determine the number of seats each token holder is allowed to redeem.

3) In order to prove ownership of the wallet users claim they own, they will be required to transfer a small but amount of FLUZ tokens to a specific wallet. For instance, 2 users are claiming to own wallet 0x12345… so, one user is told to send 0.01 tokens to one unique address, and the other user is told to send 0.01 tokens to a different unique address. The user that sends the required amount to the proper address will be designated as the true owner.

4) Once all the wallets have been verified, we will carry out the random lotto process, which will function in the same way as the first method.

We will be letting the community marinate with this new information over the weekend, and we encourage everyone to discuss any and all feedback they have on the matter in the main Telegram group. On Monday the 2nd of July we will be releasing a poll on the matter so we can get conclusive data on how the majority feels. We understand that we can’t make 100% of the community happy 100% of the time, but we would like to make sure we are doing our best, and we thank you for helping shape the future vision of what will be the best cash back app on Earth!



Fluz App

Fluz, the payment app that keeps giving back. Earn money while you use Fluz to pay, and keep earning whenever your friends do.