Top10 in d10e Bucharest, Fluz Fluz app tour and other updates from first week of private sale

Fluz App
3 min readDec 19, 2017


Here are updates from Week 1 of the Fluz Fluz private sale:

We have been receiving questions regarding the existing app and ecosystem.

In order to answer your questions and shed some light on how the app will work within the global system.

Here is Fluz Fluz app tour:

Referral system

We have enabled referral system for users who want to have extra benefit from the Token sale:

  • When you sign up, a unique referral code will be generated-

This code is also included in the email you will receive. When proceeding through the pages, you will be able to see your referral code at all times.

  • On step 2 of the registration, there will be field for referral code input —
  • If user came from a referral URL, that value is already saved in cookies and the field is pre-populated with the code. If the URL was blocked for some reason or the user did not come from it, he still has the chance to manually input the referral code in that field.

Update on KYC issues

We had some 10 cases where contributors were not verified by our KYC provider on Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers and there also was an issue with specifying age for several users. Both issues were identified early and taken care of the next day. All users affected by this issue were contacted individually by our customer service and verified manually.

If you are experiencing any issues related to KYC please contact us at

D10e Bucharest

Bucharest welcomed blockchain startups last week. Out of 50 startups who signed up, only few were admitted, Fluz Fluz was voted amongst the top 10.

You can check the Fluz Fluz presentation here:

Landing page updates

Due to increasing amount of questions regarding size of the contributions compared to seat count, we will be implementing a calculator on our website for the visitors to calculate how many seats they can obtain for a specific amount. Or how big the contribution should be to obtain a premier seat in our network.

Updates to “How to invest” and more detailed information on the project will be added to the website. Also a progress bar will be introduced to follow along Fluz Fluz Token sale.

Join our Telegram group if you have any other questions or if you are interested in updates from our community and team here: Fluz Fluz Telegram



Fluz App

Fluz, the payment app that keeps giving back. Earn money while you use Fluz to pay, and keep earning whenever your friends do.