FLY Labs Official
6 min readApr 5, 2023


Hello Flyer!

Thank you for your patience while we reviewed Flyer’s questions. We have made every effort to provide you with the most satisfactory answers possible. We are now ready to share the AMA for 2023.

FLY AMA Pre-Question Statistics

Of all the questions received, approximately 52% were not related to the FLY project. Among the remaining questions, we have selected 8 representative ones to answer.

Q1. What is the current status of the FLY token?

A : Since its acquisition by VRM Korea, the FLY token has been undergoing internal code analysis, improvement, and development. With this acquisition, the project is exploring new directions and opportunities. As a result, the FLY team is actively pursuing partnerships and new developments to expand the ecosystem and provide more value to FLY users.

Q2. How does the FLY token work within the FLY ecosystem?

A : The FLY token is an ERC20 utility token that plays an important role in powering innovative Web3 services and applications within the FLY ecosystem. This token enables transactions and interactions within the network and serves as a means of exchange for goods and services.

As the FLY ecosystem expands, the token is expected to become even more crucial in facilitating transactions and driving network growth. Therefore, the FLY token is a core component of the FLY ecosystem, enabling the development and deployment of cutting-edge Web3 services and applications and positioning the industry as a leader.

Q3. What is the FLY project and what problem does it solve?

A : The FLY project is a blockchain-based platform that addresses various challenges related to high-frequency trading, data analysis, and financial applications. It provides a decentralized, transparent, and secure ecosystem for developers and users to build and deploy innovative web3 services and applications. By leveraging blockchain technology, FLY offers a more efficient, secure, and accessible alternative for individuals and businesses to access financial services and data analytics. Additionally, FLY promotes innovation in AI-powered high-frequency trading by creating a platform for developers to experiment with new trading strategies and tools. The FLY project is an ambitious and innovative initiative that aims to create a new paradigm for financial services and applications.

Q4. How does FLY differ from other blockchain projects?

A : FLY differentiates itself from other blockchain projects in several ways. Firstly, FLY focuses specifically on the financial industry, providing solutions to problems related to high-frequency trading, data analysis, and financial applications. By concentrating on finance, FLY can provide a tailored solution designed to meet the industry’s unique needs.

Secondly, FLY is designed for high efficiency, offering a fast and scalable platform that can support high-frequency trading and data analysis. By utilizing cutting-edge blockchain technology, FLY aims to provide a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional financial services.

Thirdly, FLY is focused on investment, providing a transparent and decentralized platform for investors to access new investment opportunities. By utilizing blockchain technology, FLY can enable the creation of new investment instruments and markets, opening up new possibilities for investors.

Finally, FLY is a public blockchain, meaning that it is open and accessible to anyone who wishes to participate. This makes it a more democratic and inclusive platform, enabling anyone to access financial services and participate in the growth of the ecosystem. Overall, FLY’s focus on finance, efficiency, investment, and public accessibility distinguishes it from other blockchain projects.

Q5. What is the history and background of the FLY project team?

A : FLY is a project team founded by VRM in 2018. The team consists of diverse experts from various fields, including finance, blockchain, AI, and software development. The team was motivated by the need for a more efficient and accessible financial ecosystem, and they saw blockchain technology as the key to achieving this goal.

Since its founding, the FLY team has been focused on building a cutting-edge platform that can meet the needs of the financial industry. They have worked tirelessly to develop innovative solutions for high-frequency trading, data analysis, and financial applications, leveraging the latest advancements in blockchain and AI technologies.

Throughout its history, the FLY team has remained committed to its vision of creating a more efficient and accessible financial ecosystem. They have worked closely with partners and investors to build a strong and sustainable ecosystem, and they continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of blockchain finance.

Q6. How does FLY plan to attract and retain users?

A : The FLY project is still in the early stages of development, and as such, the team is constantly working to improve and expand the platform. One of the primary ways that FLY plans to attract and retain users is by focusing on developing innovative AI-powered tools and services for high-frequency trading, data analysis, and financial applications. Additionally, the team is exploring new partnerships and collaborations with other blockchain projects and companies to expand the reach and capabilities of the FLY ecosystem.

FLY also plans to incentivize users through various initiatives such as launching a launchpad for new projects and offering airdrops to users. The team is also exploring opportunities in the NFT space, which could provide new avenues for user engagement and retention. While the roadmap is subject to change as the project progresses, the FLY team remains committed to creating a platform that is accessible, user-friendly, and innovative.

Q7. What are the upcoming milestones in the FLY roadmap?

A : FLY has an ambitious roadmap that includes several upcoming milestones. The first major milestone is the launch of their investment platform, which is designed to provide users with access to a wide range of investment opportunities, including traditional assets, cryptocurrencies, and other blockchain-based assets. Additionally, FLY is also working on developing a suite of DeFi tools and applications that will enable users to participate in decentralized finance activities such as lending, borrowing, and trading.

Another important milestone on the FLY roadmap is the development of a bridge that will enable users to transfer assets between different blockchain networks. This will help to address the issue of fragmentation in the blockchain ecosystem and make it easier for users to access a wider range of assets and applications.

In addition to these milestones, FLY is also focused on developing innovative AI-powered trading tools that will enable users to take advantage of high-frequency trading strategies and make more informed investment decisions. Finally, the FLY team is also working on new projects that are designed to leverage blockchain technology to solve a variety of other problems across different industries. While the roadmap is subject to change as the team continues to refine our plans and develop new technologies, these milestones represent the current focus of the FLY project.

FLY is also exploring the possibility of launching its own mainnet as part of its roadmap, depending on its needs and goals. The mainnet would serve as the backbone of FLY’s platform, enabling it to offer secure and efficient transaction processing, data storage, and network governance. While there is no definite plan yet for the mainnet launch, it is a consideration that FLY is keeping in mind as it continues to grow and evolve its ecosystem.

Q8. What events have FLY hosted or plans to host in the future?

A : FLY is constantly striving to engage with its community, promote its platform, and plan various events in the future. While specific event plans have not yet been announced, FLY is committed to providing its users with an enjoyable experience and will make every effort to do so. Stay tuned for updates and announcements regarding FLY’s upcoming event plans and updates!

We hope that the answers provided are satisfactory to Flyer’s questions. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to leave them on our FLY official Telegram channel, and we will do our best to provide a comprehensive response.

Lastly, we would like to express our gratitude for the support you have shown us as we explore new directions for the FLY project. Your belief in the potential of FLY has been a source of strength as we work hard to ensure its success. Please stay tuned for more updates on our progress in the near future.

Thank you.



FLY Labs Official

Fly is a versatile platform that leverages AI to drive innovative Web3 services and applications, enabling high-frequency trading, data analysis