Fast travel was killing me slowly

Kevin Keller
4 min readMay 29, 2017
When your Uber driver is pushing 140 kmph at 3am… 😬

Flying around the world at breakneck speed. Visit numerous countries every month. An Instagram and Facebook profile filled with sunny beaches, ancient temples, and exotic wonders. These are the stuff of dreams for many people. The reality of it all is less sexy than our social media profiles portray it to be. It also comes with many drawbacks, both in terms of work productivity and your mental and physical health.

The longer you’ve been “in the game”, the slower you’ll travel. You need to evolve as a digital nomad if you want to make this a sustainable endeavor.

I no longer travel for the sake of travelling and “seeing the world”. What I long for is more meaningful, unique experiences rather than checking off things to do and see. I don’t travel with guidebooks and I have probably become one of the worst tourists around, avoiding sightseeing most of time. When I met up with an old friend in Taipei recently, I was a mess trying to plan out a sightseeing itinerary.

Regardless of the details your style of sightseeing tendencies and types of transportation you avail, there are many issues to be aware of that can arise from continuous travel:

1. Anxiety



Kevin Keller

Entrepreneur, coder, and outdoorsy guy. Loves coffee, travel, tech-stuff, and food.