The #FCInsiders bring you the #SCInsiders

Flying Cursor
3 min readSep 24, 2015


We love collaborations. And this project had many. Firstly an amazing client, 4 super supportive #SCInsiders, and everyone else who had a part to play in the project.

#SCInsiders, a project for Standard Chartered, took us to Delhi, where we attended The Economist India Summit where we rubbed shoulders with the who’s who of Indian (and foreign) business.

But first, a little background on the #SCInsiders

This year, to make the Summit available to the larger public, we partnered with Standard Chartered, the founding partners of The Economist India Summit, sent 4 influential people from varied backgrounds to attend, learn and share their learnings from this year’s Summit. The 4 #SCInsiders comprised of nutrition expert and food writer, Nandita Iyer (@Saffrontrail), filmmaker and producer, Raj Kaushal (@rajkaushal1), energy researcher and founder of Disruptions Collective, Siddharth Singh (@siddharth3), and musician and programming head at Pepsi MTV Indies, Ankur Tewari (@AnkurTewari).

All throughout the Summit, they kept their followers up-to-date with quips, quotes and insights, each from their diverse and unique perspectives. And not surprisingly, #SCInsiders caught momentum and became one of the most talked about topic on Twitter, on the day.
Fans of the bank could also follow the #SCInsiders directly on

Post the Summit, we sat the 4 #SCInsiders down, got them discussing the sessions and got out their main takeaways from the days sessions and scheduled the shoot for early next day. But being in the presence of business royalty coupled with the splendour of the Taj Palace, we couldn’t help but be inspired, and bring out our very own royal side. (Embarrassing photo shoot, attached below)

Next day, the shoot saw us up bright and early, to a view that had us staring out of our windows for at least 5 minutes.

After a quick briefing and rehearsal of lines, we started shooting our film, only to take breaks in between takes, to release our overflowing royalty from the previous day.

And to further push these takeaways, we placed the videos on popular business and finance portals like The Huffington Post, Business Standard and Quint, in the form of native articles, which helped us reach out to a larger, relevant audience.

Like every project, there was smooth sailing as well as choppy waters, frantic calls, coordination nightmares, sleepless nights were more than made up for with loads of laughter, cups of tea, a few beers and the satisfaction of a job well done.

(Not to forget the endless stories from the two extremely ecstatic middle-class boys. Let’s just say that they made the most of their stay at a 5 star hotel)

Originally published at on September 24, 2015.



Flying Cursor

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