Escalation of Israel-Palestine Conflict: Israeli Tanks Near Hospital, Global Protests for Ceasefire, and Critique of Media Coverage

Flying Private
7 min readNov 12, 2023


An article about the history of Israel & Palestine

It took me some enormous courage to finally write this article. I am sure you can sympathize with me how controversial and risk it can be speaking about Israel Defence Forces current and ongoing atrocities against the Palestinians in Gaza.

Before you go beast mode attacking me in the comments, let me clear this:

  • I’m not a journalist!
  • I strongly condemn the actions of Hamas on 7 October 23
  • I strongly condemn IDF actions before and after 7 October 23
  • I am not (Jewish/Arab)

The article is from an objective individual with strong passion to see peace between Israel & Palestine.

Israel-Palestine Conflict — In The News

As of today 12 November 23, In the latest developments of the Israel-Gaza conflict, Israeli tanks are reportedly just 20 meters from al-Quds Hospital, firing at the facility housing 14,000 displaced people. The dire healthcare situation is highlighted by two premature baby deaths at Al-Shifa Hospital due to power outages. Meanwhile, global protests, including a large demonstration in London, call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, with Arab leaders condemning Israeli aggression at an emergency summit. The death toll in Gaza exceeds 11,000, while in Israel, revised figures indicate over 1,200 casualties. Criticism mounts against Western media for biased reporting, and there are concerns over the Biden administration’s perceived insufficient response to leverage over Israel. (source:

The conflict continues to escalate with Israeli raids in the West Bank, Hezbollah’s vow to keep up the fight, and ongoing scrutiny of international media coverage. The unrest prompts questions about the effectiveness of global diplomatic efforts and the role of major powers in mediating a resolution.

In all this, what is the role of United Nations? Is this an organisation that serves the interests of all or is it just an apparatus for US/West to safeguard their interests? (leave a comment below, your thoughts & opinions are appreciated)

Selective Outrage over the Israel-Palestine Conflict:

After watching dozens of news outlets, social media and observing regular people discussions of the conflict, I have noticed an element of selective outrage. Pro-Israelis are evidently furious over the 7 October incident, and they have every right to be upset, there is absolutely zero justifications for what happened. Unfortunately, most not all pro-Israelis are turning a blind eye on the bloodshed that is currently happening in Gaza. On the flipside, Pro-Palestinians are equally outraged over the ongoing “Israeli Occupation in Palestine”, the ill treatment of Palestinians that has been happening for a very long time with an almost media blackout on the issues until 7 October 23. Following the Hamas terror attack, IDF has embarked on an indiscriminate bombing of Gaza leading to massive civilian casualties.

Selective outrage refers to the phenomenon where individuals or groups express strong public condemnation or indignation about a particular issue, event, or behaviour, while remaining relatively indifferent or silent about similar or even more severe issues (this reflects exactly what is happening in Gaza). In other words, it involves being highly vocal and critical about certain matters while overlooking or downplaying others (good example: Russian-Ukraine conflict vs Israel-Palestinian conflict. You can evidently see selective empathy from US/UN politicians, they were highly vocal condemning Russia, and the same people openly refuse to condemn Israel)

This concept is often used in discussions about hypocrisy or inconsistency in the application of moral or ethical standards. Selective outrage can be observed in various contexts, including politics, social issues, and cultural debates. Critics argue that it can undermine the credibility of individuals or groups, suggesting that their outrage is driven more by personal or ideological biases than a consistent commitment to principles.

With that in mind, here is my open question: Is Israel’s Netanyahu committing War Crimes?

  • If YES, explain your response.
  • If NO, explain your response.

It’s important to note that people may have different perspectives and priorities, and what one person considers an outrage-worthy issue may not be as significant to someone else. However, selective outrage typically implies a noticeable discrepancy in the level of concern expressed for similar situations based on factors such as political affiliation, identity, or cultural biases.

Therefore, having same standards for all is paramount. That’s why we have International Criminal Courts (ICC), and no one is above the law (that includes Hamas, Israel’s IDF & Netanyahu)

The factors influencing selective outrage can vary and may include:

1. Group affiliation: People may be more empathetic towards individuals who belong to the same social, cultural, or political groups as themselves.

2. Cultural bias: Individuals might exhibit selective empathy based on cultural factors, favouring those from their own culture or community.

3. Identification: People tend to empathize more with individuals they can relate to or see as similar to themselves in some way, whether it be through shared experiences, beliefs, or values.

4. Media influence: The way the media portrays certain groups or issues can impact the level of empathy people feel. Media framing can shape perceptions and influence emotional responses.

5. Geographical proximity: Proximity to an issue or event can influence the level of empathy. People may be more empathetic towards issues that are closer to home or that directly affect their communities.

The Israel-Palestine conflict — History

The Israel-Palestine conflict is a longstanding and deeply rooted political and territorial dispute between Israelis and Palestinians. The origins of the conflict can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries when nationalist movements emerged in the Middle East.

Late 19th Century:

At the end of the 19th century, nationalist sentiments were growing in many parts of the world, and the Middle East was no exception. The Zionist movement, advocating for the establishment of a Jewish homeland, gained traction. Theodor Herzl, a key figure in the movement, sought international support for the creation of a Jewish state.

Balfour Declaration (1917):

During World War I, in 1917, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration, expressing support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. However, this declaration also promised that the rights of non-Jewish communities in the region would not be adversely affected.

British Mandate (1920–1948):

After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the League of Nations granted Britain the mandate to govern Palestine. This period witnessed tensions between Jewish and Arab communities. Jewish immigration increased, and conflicts over land and resources intensified.

United Nations Partition Plan (1947):

In 1947, the United Nations proposed a partition plan to divide Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem as an international city. The Jewish leadership accepted the plan, but Arab leaders rejected it, viewing it as unjust.

Israeli Declaration of Independence (1948):

Amidst regional hostilities and violence, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, declared the establishment of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. Arab states, angered by the declaration and the territorial divisions, launched military interventions.

Arab-Israeli Wars (1948, 1956, 1967, 1973):

Several wars ensued, notably in 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973, with Israel emerging victorious and expanding its territorial control. The Six-Day War in 1967 was particularly significant, resulting in Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula.

Israeli Settlements and Occupation:

Following the 1967 war, Israel began constructing settlements in the occupied territories, leading to increased tensions. The United Nations and the international community have consistently opposed these settlements.

Oslo Accords (1993):

Efforts to find a peaceful resolution gained momentum with the Oslo Accords, signed between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1993. The accords aimed at establishing a framework for the eventual creation of an independent Palestinian state.

Subsequent Developments:

Despite initial optimism, subsequent negotiations faced numerous challenges, including issues related to borders, refugees, and the status of Jerusalem. The construction of Israeli settlements continued, contributing to ongoing tensions.

The Israel-Palestine conflict remains a complex and deeply rooted issue with historical, religious, and political dimensions. Efforts to reach a lasting and comprehensive peace agreement continue, involving various international actors and organizations. The situation remains dynamic, and developments on the ground shape the ongoing discourse surrounding this enduring conflict.

This has led us to present day escalations…..


A call for #peace, A call for #Ceasefire



Flying Private

This is a world travel blog featuring beautiful destinations, new experiences and hidden places around the world.