Rabecca mumba Ng'andwe
2 min readSep 24, 2021

*A love she never knew existed*
On a fateful day,she came face to face with an important face she couldn't recognize,a heart that had love for her without her knowledge,a blood same as hers which ran through her veins and a name that only her spirit called.
After many years of experiencing a void that no one could fill,after so many years of unanswered questions and life events going by without this important person to share the moments. *A day CAME yes it did come for her to unvail the love she never knew existed!*
How did she get this lucky?
She thought it was a dream.If it was really a dream.... someone definately had to wake her up.
So she looked dazed by what she saw. A man sitting in a driver's seat of an allion vehicle who looked at her with loving eyes.He was dark in complexion and had a bright smile like hers while holding his phone in his hand.
"Rabecca,"he said in a seemly manner of disbelief at who was right in front of him..HIS LONG LOST DAUGHTER!

She smiled shyly as she greeted him respectifully.
He answered to her greetings sweetly while looking at her long black shiny hair of which he complimented.

Rabecca was wearing a red flaired dress with a small black jacket .
He couldn't believe how she had grown into such a beautiful small lady with a facial face in resemblance to his with bright and sweet smile which erased all the pain he suffered in her absence.Behind her bright and sweet smile were the most pure white teeth which sparkled with the shade of sunlight making it irresistible for one to smile back when she smiles at you.

She felt a warmth she never felt before she felt loved and wanted.
growing up without a father was incredibly scary. She carried a lot of
the emotional trauma with her. She thought of him every day. She thought she had some bad luck
with relationships. She struggled a lot with low self-worth and made some
horrible choices in the relationships she had.
About 2 weeks earlier she went to see her spiritual father who made her aware of why she
was behaving the way she was behaving and experiencing all the misfortunes.Her spiritual father made it clear that she was in need of her biological father's love, emotional support and blessings.
“Psychologists call it ‘fatherless daughter syndrome.’ Deep down she knew he was right and she had to do everything it took to see or get to know her biological father.Offcourse it would not be an easy escapade as her mother only had bad words to say about her biological father and at some point she felt like he was dead.

Alas! Here he was right in front of her.For the first time she felt a sense of purpose and saw all this....as a door of hope to experience *A LOVE SHE NEVER KNEW EXISTED!*

Rabecca mumba Ng'andwe

whatever is written can never be forgotten.Iam a teacher by profession and a freelancer writer about life, love & experiences.