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How to make Karma work for you

Fatima Malik
2 min readJul 21, 2023


Karma is like an algorithm.

Imagine it being a robot — a computerized being that needs to be given a command to complete a task according to its programming.

When you sit in your tears and all the self-pity that brings thoughts like these to the edge of your lips :

Why me?

How could they?

So unfair…

Stop. Know that if you’ve been wronged and you feel all these negative feelings because of all the pain and hurt, you’re not doing anyone any favors by being the martyr.

Stop. And ask Karma to do its job.

We, as humans, never have the full picture. We never know exactly what happened from all perspectives.

So you may feel that you have been wronged and the depth of that pain is only proportionate to your perspective.

Karma, on the other hand, knows all sides, all stories, all perspectives. So you give Karma the “command" to balance the situation. You might think someone ‘deserves’ certain punishments but because you’re likely not completely innocent either, Karma will decide what’s appropriate.

Practical directions:

When feeling the feeling of being wronged. Or when a thought comes that causes pain because of something someone did. Stop. Call Karma, and give her that feeling/thought.

Command: “Please take care of this. Thank you.”


It’s not your problem anymore. What happens now is not your doing it will be how the universe balances out things inappropriately tipped in one direction.

Once you let go i.e give Karma a job to do. The algorithm will do all the calculations and determine what needs to be done and how.

Things are out of balance because people are holding on to all their pain and hurt. They’re holding on to all that is unfair and all that has happened to them. Because they are not releasing, not letting go and giving the appropriate commands to Karma to do its job. The world is in imbalance.


Started a channel 😀



Fatima Malik

I write. A lot. I also do other things, like eating lemons.