​​A Semester In Binar Academy

Fadhilla Maulidya
3 min readJun 4, 2022


Holaa! I want to share what I feel being A Binar Academy Bootcamp Mentee for a semester!

Before Binar

So after attending the first batch of Kampus Merdeka, I decided to attend the second batch. At first, I want to join the Internship program but I realize that I do not have enough skills to become a professional worker. Many people said “Just Learning By Doing” but I was afraid of the mistake that I would make. So I decided to join Study Independent. Because I want to minimalize the mistake and also to maximize my knowledge and skill before becoming a professional worker, especially a Product Manager.

There are plenty of programs in Kampus Merdeka about Product Managers, but I choose Binar Academy. Because Binar Academy also join the first batch of Kampus Merdeka, so I Think Binar Academy had experience in Kampus Merdeka also Binar Academy already had bootcamp program regularly. I’m sure that learning in Binar Academy would not be a wrong choice. (Thats right). And I also do a little research, I ask my friend who is attend the first batch in Binar Academy “was it worth it to join Binar Academy? Especially their Product Manager program?” They said “yesss! for a students like use it’s worth it”. Another reason why I choose Binar Academy is Binar Job Connect, it can helps mentee to find a job after graduating from Binar Academy. Because the opportunity that I got after graduating from Binar Academy really impress me, So I choose Binar Academy for the second batch.

During Binar

In Binar Academy there are three levels: Silver, Gold, Platinum. In Silver level there are four chapter, basically in this level is about programming world, Startup and basic for Product Mamangement, also about business and process for making user centric product. In Gold chapter there are also four chapters, in this level I learn about prioritozation framework, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and the implementation of SDLC, create deliverable document as a Product Manager, calculate product economics, and bulid career for Product Manager. And Platinum is the last level, in this level the mentees doing collaboration project. For each chapter there are learning materials and challenge. The challenges are quite fun to do. After did the challenge, we have to pitching our challenge to facilitator and others mentee. Then the facilitator would give rate and feedback to the challenge and the pitching from the mentee.

Shout out to Ka M. Rakhmat Setiawan, the facilitator who give his 101% perfomance to my class. I really thankful that i got facillitator like him. Beside teach the class about the learning material, he also put some effort to ask his colleagues to give sharing sessions in my class, the sharing session is about their experience as Product Manager and also their career, this sharing session give me more insight about what Product Manager does in daily . Also he gives daily quiz in my class, these daily quiz really helping me to remember the learning material. And in the class beside just read the learning materials, we also practice the materials. It really push us to understand and remember the learning materials.

Also the mentees in my class really inspiring, they are come from many background and major. And some of them, the major is not related to Product Management. But they still made it to this levels. Cheers for them!🍾 Also there are some mentee of my class being top perform and they got job offer before graduating. It really amaze me, and also inspiring. I hope someday I also can inspire people with my own way.☺️

So thats all what I feel in Binar Academy Bootcamp, I want to tell about what I learn in Binar Academy in the next article. So see you there👋🏻



Fadhilla Maulidya

Final year student majoring in information system. UI/UX and Data Science enthusiast