Frank Mazur
3 min readAug 31, 2015

The little boy, Timmy, dragged his stuffed bunny by his ear across the deck of the boat. He had named the bunny Geoffrey. Geoff had suffered through many years of Timmy’s love, and it showed. Geoff’s left ear was held on by but a stray strands that had managed to survive through the years. Geoff, once a soft, fluffy, bright white bunny was now a dingy gray bunny with matted fur that was like sandpaper to the face. The fluff had seemingly vaporized from the bunny which was now just a deflated carcass.

Timmy and Geoff were crossing the Atlantic Ocean to come to the United States to visit Timmy’s grandmother. Timmy was traveling with mother and father who were constantly at a high class dinner or out strolling the deck with other passengers from the first class deck. Timmy’s nanny was almost along with the family and was the one entrusted with watching over and caring for Timmy for the duration of the trip. Linda, the nanny, had tried for years now to try to separate Timmy from Geoff, but Timmy would not allow Geoff to even leave his sight. She finally began to accept that Geoff was going to be a part of her life too and that it was an important part of Timmy’s happiness.

Timmy was enjoying his first day at sea by exploring all around the boat and finding all of the interesting places around the boat from the pool to the engine room to the smoke stacks Timmy was always able find his way into places he should not be in. He was even able to convince the first mate that he was the cousin of the costs in and was allowed into the wheelhouse where was even able to steer the boat for a few minutes before the captain chased him out. Soon he making shadow puppets using a flashlight inside of the ship’s lifeboats. Later he snuck into the first class kitchen and stole and entire dessert platter full of cakes and cookies and he devoured before anyone even noticed it had gone missing. After an exhausting day of exploring he returned back to his “cabin” which would have before more fittingly named a palace because of its luxurious features from giant bath tubs to fire places and butlers. Timmy drifted off to sleep listening to the engines hum while laying on his silk covered bed.

At around 3am Timmy was jarred awake by a violent jerk of the boat. Timmy always being curious jumped out of his bed grabbing Geoff as he ran out the door. Timmy quickly found himself out on the main deck where he observed the entire wheelhouse crew scurrying around the deck as if they had gone crazy. Timmy went up to one of the crew members and asked:

“Hey mister what is going on here?” He responded, “We hit something in the water. Get back to your cabin”

Ignoring the man Timmy scampered away and decided to figure what was happening. The heard the engines groan to a stop and nearly fell down as the boat lurched to a stop. Within minutes the crew was shoving people into lifeboats before he knew Timmy was sitting in the lifeboat without his family, nanny or Geoff. In the confusion Timmy had lost track of him and he began sobbing not knowing the fate of any of his family.