
I am fascinated about High Value Software principles and constantly look for ways to implement them in software projects.

My mission is to establish great software development teams.

In the last 10 years I've been working for companies like Siemens, Daimler, Telekom.

In my monthly meetups I teach software development principles and empower others to follow their dreams and aspirations. Typical topics covered in the meetups are: "Software Cell", "Software Universe", "Software Blood Types", "CleanCode Cheatsheet", "3X Model", "Flow Design".

Check out my "CleanCode" cheatsheet - It gives you the principles needed to reach agreements much faster within your team: https://florianboehmak.com

Medium member since August 2021
Connect with Florian Boehmak
Florian Boehmak

Florian Boehmak

Software Engineer πŸ’» | Technical Writer βœ’οΈ | On the Quest to building High Value Teams πŸŽ–οΈ| https://florianboehmak.com/