I was looking for a house, so I built a web scraper in Python!

Fábio Neves
9 min readNov 1, 2018
image: trillionairesclub.net

In a few months, I’ll have to leave my rented apartment and look for a new one. As painful as this experience can be, especially as a real estate bubble looms in the horizon, I decided to use it as yet another incentive to improve my Python skills! In the end, I want to be able to do two things:

· Scrape all the search results from one of the main real estate websites in Portugal (where I live) and build a database with all the listings found

· Use the collected listings to perform some EDA, and ultimately try to find undervalued properties

The website I will be scraping is the real estate portal from Sapo, one of the oldest and most visited websites in Portugal. They have a very large amount of real estate listings for us to scrape. Chances are you are using a different website, but you should be able to adapt the code very easily.

Before we begin with the code snippets, let me just give you a summary of what I will be doing. I will use the results page from a simple search in Sapo website where I can specify some parameters beforehand (like zone, price filters, number of rooms, etc) to reduce the task time, or simply query the whole list of results in Lisbon.



Fábio Neves

Jack of all trades, master of some. Currently focused on Data Science, Python, Investing, and Photography. Check my courses at fneves.podia.com/