New Event: Urban Guerrilla Beautification

Public Happiness Andy
2 min readFeb 27, 2014


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Nature and the condition of our surroundings are deeply linked to our health and feeling of well-being, which is something easily forgotten in the hectic day to day life we live rushing around a dull, grey city; so lets come together to sneak a bit of nature into a neglected or boring corner of the city and bring that connection back into people’s daily lives through Guerrilla Urban Beautification!

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Dirty, run down and neglected spaces are linked to social problems through the Broken Window Theory so we are going to scout out a few and then come together as a group to turn them into beautiful urban gardens, spreading a little bit of natural happiness into peoples lives. This event works best with one main spot for the group to decorate like perhaps a dirty bridge we could clean and hang flowers from (and a back up), and other smaller spots that covert teams who want a bit more excitement can sneak to at different times to decorate.. like a little garden on top of a bus stop!

read more, join in the discussion and create your own on the new event page here

Originally published at Focallocal.



Public Happiness Andy

On a mission to bring more peace and well-being to the World. I post about life/the world here. Positive action articles on