Our 2016 Positive Action Road Trip begins! #ChasetheSun: part 1 France and Besançon

Public Happiness Andy
3 min readOct 11, 2016


The ‘summer’ in London was ending, and just as it was looking like there wasn’t going to be a Positive Action Road Trip this year, until one of our longest members, Julita said ‘Hey, Andy. I want an Adventure, what’s going on? Lets Go!’ ..and so we did!

..thus the #ChasetheSun Road Trip 2016 was born (more or less an exact representation of what happened)

A few rushed modifications to our van Connie and we hit the road to show people in other cities how they can change the World they live in, using simple and fun Positive Action activities to make it friendlier, happier and more peaceful.

France ..it rained. Lots. and no, the windows i rushed in weren’t entirely water-proof (yet). We did have a short spell of great weather in Besançon, where long time Focallocaller and wonderful human-being, Sari, and her flatmate Mousse hosted us


We used the four days of good weather to its fullest, meeting awesomely positive people there using Free Hugs:

a Pillow Fight 4Connection:

pillow fight

pillow fight

pillow fight2

pillow fight2

and a Connecting Canvas:

connecting c 2

connecting c 2

connecting c 3

connecting c 3

connecting c

connecting c

Montpelier didn’t happen. You can easily Focallocal in the rain, unfortunately the monsoon that hit us was the 1st real rain the windows i installed in Connie had encountered, and it would be fair to say they failed spectacularly, requiring panicked action to resolve them.

After that we decided getting across the Alps and into Spain’s warm climate was a matter of urgency, and so our adventure in France ended.

Check back soon to see more videos and articles of our Trip,

If we make you jealous, give it a try yourself. Positive Action is far easier and more fun than you imagine. :0)

Originally published at Focallocal.



Public Happiness Andy

On a mission to bring more peace and well-being to the World. I post about life/the world here. Positive action articles on publichappinessmovement.com