Cloud computing is transforming the laboratory ecosystem
3 min readOct 1, 2019

The massive computational power made possible by disruptive technology in the information age has transformed the speed in which the research industry works. With massive silos of data generated from research and experiment-related processes, the cloud is what the laboratory industry needs to look at as a viable platform for data management, processing and storage.

Cloud computing is when a person or business uses remote servers hosted online (on the internet) to manage, process, store and sometimes share their data. This is all done on the web rather than via a local server. Meaning that the person or business that is storing data does not have physical equipment onsite to store their data.

Cloud computing essentially offers computer system resources on demand. Cloud servers have data centers all around the world available to many users. This cuts out the need of active management by the users. It also cuts out the need for space that hardware in an office home or facility to store data would take.

How does cloud computing affect labs

Research studies undertaken by labs create large files necessitating storage for large files in databases. If a laboratory uses an in-house storage system, they’ll probably require a huge amount of computer equipment to store all their data on and possibly a large space to accommodate the needs of all the employees storing and managing data. Cloud computing eliminates the need for these computer or server rooms to store and manage the data from their various research projects.

Cloud computing can save money, space and time for a laboratory.

How you ask?

With cloud computing, you’re enabled to host data on the cloud, freeing up space that would’ve gone into storing hardware and machines space. You can instead uses the facility for research and other work.

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Centralizing data

Cloud computing offers laboratories a location off site to back up, store, and manage their data, while everyone in the lab or company can access it, use it, update it and manage it. This eliminates the demand for in-house space for storage drives and servers to host inter office computers.

Increased data security

Data is more secure on the cloud than it actually is in an office. It is safe from power outages that’s one of the major causes of loss of stored data, the damage of servers or storage drives. On the cloud, most files are stored in more than three locations and are retrievable. Even if a failure occurs on the cloud, you don’t lose data because of where and how it is stored.

Cloud computing is safer and quicker and consumes less space for the laboratory. It is also more cost effective than maintaining an in-house storage system for their data. Using cloud computing, laboratories can upscale their facilities, have more advanced technology and more physical space to work with. It really is the future of research and laboratories.

This article was originally posted on our company blog.
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