Microsoft breaks new ground with AI neural TTS and life-size holograms
2 min readOct 17, 2019

Microsoft is back with a groundbreaking leap in technology that almost takes us one step closer to teleporting.

With its AI technology and holographic experiences, this technology can help you be anywhere and speak any language you want.

And, if that’s not revolutionary, I’m not sure what is!

Julia White, the CVP of Azure Marketing, unveiled this technology in a demonstration at the Microsoft Inspire 2019 Conference, that discussed in detail the company’s vision for the coming year.

The Azure AI hologram simply creates a digital avatar of person and lets them speak in the speaker’s voice in another language. Technologies like Azure AI and neural text-to-speech were used to make this possible.

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  • Artificial intelligence and natural language processing an overview
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To get the speaker’s voice and intonation right, multiple recordings of the speaker’s voice were used to make a personalized voice signature. This is how the technology was able to translate the entire speech from English to Japanese, in her voice!

A life-size hologram of a person, the translation of speech from one language to another and rendering it in the person’s voice — these are the essential features that make this mixed reality technology undeniably game-changing!

This article was originally posted on our company blog.

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