FOCUS Applauds Mayor Bowser for Increasing Education Funding


Charter School Advocates Call on Council to Approve Education Increase in Final FY21 Budget

Washington, D.C. — Today, FOCUS Interim Executive Director Anne Herr released the following statement in response to Mayor Muriel Bowser’s release of the FY21 Budget. The budget, which includes a 3% increase to the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula, a 2.2% increase to the school facilities allowance, and $1.5 million for school-based mental health services, continues Mayor Bowser’s consistent commitment to investing in students all across the district.

“COVID-19 has put incredible pressure on the district’s budget, and we recognize that Mayor Bowser had to make tough choices this year. We applaud her for increasing education funding and investing in DC students. These investments are critical to ensure students have access to the instructional and health supports that will be necessary to have them back on track by Summer 2021. We look forward to working with the Education Committee and other members of the D.C. Council to ensure that these increases are part of the final budget so that students have what they need to thrive,” said Herr.

The budget also opens a pathway forward for charter schools to access DC government properties at the now closed Wilkinson Elementary School and Spingarn High School. The access to these facilities will help high quality schools expand.

The Council of the District of Columbia will debate, amend, and approve the budget by June 30.

FOCUS supports the diverse set of public charter schools in D.C. by advocating for and strengthening autonomy, equity, and quality. Follow the conversation @FOCUSdc and learn more at




Friends of Choice in Urban Schools (FOCUS)

To increase quality choices for all DC students, FOCUS empowers and supports public charter schools by advocating for school autonomy, equity, and quality.