In Case You Missed It: Prioritizing Funding for DC Students


By FOCUS Staff

Next week, Mayor Bowser will release her budget, and, while we know that many tough choices will be made, we stand with her in making education funding a priority. The coronavirus has shed light on the many inequities in our school system, and we must give schools the resources they need to support students, particularly those identified as at-risk. Afterall, if our schools are not financially strong, they will not be able to fulfill their responsibilities to students, families, and the community. Read more perspectives below:

The Washington Post: The coronavirus crisis shines light on educational inequalities

The DC Line: Invest in our most vulnerable students

The Washington Post: D.C.’s charter schools must seek out all pandemic relief options



Friends of Choice in Urban Schools (FOCUS)

To increase quality choices for all DC students, FOCUS empowers and supports public charter schools by advocating for school autonomy, equity, and quality.