How Much Does iOS App Development Cost in India?

5 min readMar 20, 2024


The growing popularity of smartphones has made iOS app development an essential component for companies looking at growing their customer base and improve their online presence. iOS, the operating system that powers Apple’s iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch devices, has a robust app ecosystem and affluent user base, making it a lucrative market for app developers.

The price of developing an iOS app, however, can differ greatly depending on a number of variables. This article will examine the sorts of iOS apps, the development process, what goes into developing an iOS app and how much does it cost to develop an iOS app in India.

Cost to develop an iOS App in India

What is iOS App Development?

The process of developing software apps especially made to run on Apple’s iOS operating system is known as iOS app development. The Apple App Store is usually used to distribute these apps, which are created in programming languages like Objective-C or Swift.

The process of developing an iOS app includes creating user interfaces, putting functionality into place, integrating the app with other features, and making sure the program works with different iOS devices and versions.

Types of iOS App Development

1. Native Apps: Native iOS apps are developed using the official iOS development tools and languages (Swift or Objective-C) provided by Apple. These applications involve different development requirements for each platform (iPhone, iPad), but they offer the highest performance, user experience, and integration with device features.

2. Hybrid Apps: Hybrid iOS apps are built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and wrapped in a native container for distribution through the App Store. These apps offer cross-platform compatibility and faster development cycles but may suffer from performance limitations compared to native apps.

3. Cross-Platform Apps: Cross-platform iOS apps are developed using frameworks like React Native, Xamarin, or Flutter, allowing developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, including iOS and Android. While offering faster development and cost savings, cross-platform apps may not achieve the same level of performance or native user experience as native apps.

How to Develop iOS Apps?

Developing iOS apps involves several steps, including:

1. Idea Generation: Define the app concept, target audience, and features based on market research and user needs analysis.

2. Design: Create wire frames, prototypes, and visual designs to establish the app’s look and feel, user interface, and user experience.

3. Development: Write code using Swift or Objective-C to implement app functionality, integrate with device features (e.g., camera, GPS), and ensure compatibility with different iOS devices and versions.

4. Testing: Conduct comprehensive testing to identify and fix bugs, ensure usability, performance, and security, and validate the app against user expectations.

5. Deployment: Prepare the app for distribution by creating an App Store listing, submitting it to the Apple App Store, and adhering to Apple’s guidelines and requirements.

6. Maintenance: Provide ongoing support, updates, and enhancements to address user feedback, fix issues, and adapt to changes in the iOS ecosystem.

Factors Influencing iOS App Development Costs

Several factors play a pivotal role in determining the cost of iOS app development in India. Here are some of the key considerations:

1. App Complexity: The complexity of the app, including its features, functionalities, and integrations, is perhaps the most significant determinant of development costs. Basic apps with limited functionalities will naturally cost less compared to complex applications that require intricate features and extensive backend infrastructure.

2. Design Requirements: The design aspect of an iOS app also contributes significantly to its development costs. Apps requiring high-end, custom-designed user interfaces, animations, and graphics will incur higher expenses compared to those with simpler designs.

3. Development Approach: The chosen development approach — native, hybrid, or cross-platform — has a substantial impact on costs. Native apps, developed using Swift or Objective-C, typically cost more due to their platform-specific nature and the need for separate development efforts for iOS and Android. On the other hand, hybrid and cross-platform solutions offer cost savings by allowing code reuse across multiple platforms.

4. Team Composition: The composition and size of the development team also influence costs. Rates vary based on the expertise and experience levels of developers, designers, testers, and project managers involved in the development process. Larger teams with more experienced professionals may command higher rates, thus increasing overall project costs.

5. Additional Services: Beyond the core development process, additional services such as app maintenance, updates, support, and backend infrastructure management contribute to the overall cost. These ongoing services ensure the app’s longevity, security, and performance post-launch.

Understanding Cost Breakdowns

When estimating iOS app development cost in India, it’s essential to consider the various components that make up the overall expenditure:

1. Initial Planning and Discovery: This phase involves defining the app concept, conducting market research, and outlining project requirements. Costs may include consulting fees and project discovery workshops.

2. Design and Prototyping: Designing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), creating wireframes and prototypes, and iterating based on feedback are essential steps in the development process. Costs may include design fees and prototyping tools.

3. Development: The actual development phase entails coding the app, implementing features, integrating APIs, and ensuring compatibility across iOS devices and versions. Costs here depend on factors such as the complexity of the app, development approach, and team composition.

4. Testing and Quality Assurance: Thorough testing is crucial to identify and rectify bugs, optimize performance, and ensure the app meets quality standards. Costs may include testing tools, QA services, and testing on various iOS devices and simulators.

5. Deployment and Launch: Designing the app for deployment involves preparing App Store assets, submitting the app to the App Store, and adhering to Apple’s guidelines and requirements. Costs may include App Store developer fees and app submission services.

6. Post-launch Support and Maintenance: Providing ongoing support, updates, and maintenance services is essential for keeping the app functional, secure, and up-to-date. Costs may vary based on the required support level and the updates frequency.

Cost Ranges for iOS App Development in India

The cost of iOS and iPhone app development in India can vary widely based on the factors mentioned above. Here’s a rough breakdown of cost ranges for different types of iOS apps:

1. Simple Apps: Basic iOS apps with limited functionalities and simple designs may cost anywhere from ₹10,000 to ₹50,000.

2. Moderate Complexity Apps: Apps with moderate complexity, including standard features, custom UI/UX designs, and backend integrations, may range from ₹50,000 to ₹2,00,000.

3. Complex Apps: Highly complex iOS apps with advanced features, intricate designs, and extensive backend requirements can cost upwards of ₹2,00,000 or more.


In conclusion, iOS app development allows businesses to tap into the vast iOS user base and engage customers through innovative and user-friendly mobile experiences. Whether developing native, hybrid, or cross-platform apps, businesses must carefully consider factors such as app complexity, design requirements, development approach, team composition, and additional services when estimating the cost of iOS app development in India.

By partnering with experienced iOS app development companies or professionals, businesses can ensure the successful realization of their app ideas while optimizing costs, timelines, and quality to achieve their business objectives in the competitive mobile app market.

Related Post: How to Find iOS App Developers: A step by step Guide

Also Read: Android vs iOS App Development: The Pros and Cons




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