Corporate trainings the process of educating employees using a variety of learning programmes through a system of activities. It serves as a catalyst for employee achievement, which in turn signifies the overall success of your company or organisation. According to a LinkedIn survey, 94% of employees would remain at a company if it made an investment in meeting their learning requirements because they saw training as being so essential to their professional lives.


Companies must invest in training and development if they want to improve employee performance. Employee performance at work improves as a result of improved job skills and knowledge.

The following factors can be used to evaluate the significance of corporate training:

  • to keep employees updated about the industry and technology
  • to enhance their competence level
  • develop their soft skills
  • task management is improved
  • confidence is fostered
  • focus is placed on necessary skills
  • the expectations of the staff are made clear.

Training employees on regular basis can help enhance their productivity, morale and keep them motivated, maintain employee retention, help them in better decision making, encourage leadership and also eliminates weaknesses if any. Training employees is a cost effective decision as hiring new employees is always expensive for an organization.

e-learning software for online training

Employee training is necessary in the current competitive environment, and organisations may move forward by using an eLearning platform because it is more flexible and cost-effective.

As eLearning platforms, often referred to as course management systems or learning management systems, become more and more popular among enterprises, more and more traditional courses are being replaced with eLearning courses.

You can create and deliver personalised digital courses to staff members across time zones and locations using an eLearning platform. In addition, they don’t have to go to far-off locations to attend the training at a set location and time; they may do it whenever they like. Find out whether off-the-shelf courses or custom content are the best eLearning option for you.

LMS for training companies- The future of corporate training

Both people’s personal and professional life have benefited from technology and digital learning. eLearning is one of the most effective applications of technology. Corporate training, as it is known, is the practise of using the same platforms by businesses to train their staff.

According to a Small Business Trends article, during the past 16 years, businesses have grown their use of eLearning by a staggering 900 percent. Why should your business consider eLearning? Using eLearning instead of traditional classroom instruction has a number of advantages. But let’s define eLearning first. It occurs when you teach your company’s educational curriculum using electronic technology outside of a regular classroom. Your programme can be distributed to employees online. Because eLearning is interactive, some courses may be provided live, allowing students to interact with the teacher in real time. Today’s organisations are quickly adopting it as their preferred way of training.

Most firms use the Learning Management System for their online corporate training. It makes the process of employee training and evaluation more straightforward and aids in tracking their development. The LMS industry is growing rapidly, and the market size is expected to go to USD 38.10 Billion by 2027.

Benefits of e-learning software for online courses

Managing training in a classroom setting can be difficult. For this reason, a lot of businesses are enhancing the delivery of their staff training initiatives using technology. Their staff members can participate in a variety of training programmes created just for them using eLearning. Additionally, online training enables managers to keep an eye on how well their staff members comprehend their tasks and obligations.

When it comes to eLearning, there are a number of advantages for both employees and employers:

Employees can access online courses at any time, every day of the week, with online training. Whether they are in the office, waiting for a flight, or at home, employees can train in a method and at a time that is most convenient for them. For today’s workforce, convenience is crucial, and eLearning offers it.

Online courses can be taken in segments by employees. This aids in maintaining their concentration and is particularly beneficial for people who have problems focusing for extended periods of time. According to Harvard research, taking these brief assessments on a regular basis reduced student distraction and improved their overall information memory.

With eLearning, employees may study at their own pace and have freedom. They can alter the speed and replay particular sections as necessary. Instead of being slowed down by others who are having trouble understanding the course material, unlike classroom training, it allows individuals who learn more quickly to complete a course. By giving the slower learners the time they need to finish the course, this lessens frustration.

Users can use any device to run eLearning modules. This won’t be a problem if employees use PCs at work but Apple devices at home. They can access courses through online learning if they have an internet connection and a web browser. Future prospects for more advanced training techniques and delivery will be larger as internet connection speeds increase. The way courses are delivered has changed and will continue to change as technology develops.

eLearning modules are made to be compatible with mobile devices. For learning on the go, courses can be made for cellphones and other portable devices. People will become more dependent on their mobile smartphones and other technologies in the future than they are today. Because they have grown up on these devices and are accustomed to them, millennials will want this.

Employees are able to learn a challenging subject matter through online training. It helps with things like software usage training. An full employee manual can be provided through eLearning in an interesting film that is simpler to understand than reading numerous pages of text. Rich media integration improves learner engagement when used in eLearning modules. When used online in conjunction with text and images, infographics can be an effective visual learning tool.

Gamification tactics are useful and engaging for eLearning courses. Gamification engages consumers and finds solutions to issues by utilising game mechanics and game thinking. The use of video game design and components in educational contexts is a method of inspiring staff to learn. Gamification may increase engagement by grabbing employees’ attention and motivating them to learn.

Information retention is another benefit of online training. Users are helped to retain what they have learned through the inclusion of mid-course tasks, quizzes, and summaries. Additionally, staff members can go back to eLearning courses as often as they like to update their expertise. According to Forbes, the Research Institute of America found that eLearning increases retention rates by 25% to 60% compared to traditional training, which only increases retention rates by 8% to 10%. Employees can revisit training as necessary and have more influence over the learning process as a result.

Benefits of LMS for training institutes

Verizon employs online training for knowledge-based courses where it can distribute consistent content broadly (to a global, huge nationwide groups), at the end user’s pace, according to Training Magazine. They add, “Companies are rapidly converting classroom courses to eLearning — or at the very least, using a hybrid approach — as more and more training departments continue to accomplish more with less and new generations of workers demand Just-In-Time training on their devices.”

Still not persuaded that eLearning is the best option for your company? There are additional advantages that you ought to think about. For your staff, eLearning is advantageous and more effective than traditional classroom instruction in the following 8 ways:

Using learning modules, organisations can use eLearning to teach a staff that is geographically varied. With so many businesses today using a remote workforce, this is crucial.

Cloud-based software provides on-demand online training. When it’s convenient for both the business and its employees, a corporation can conduct the training. Instead of doing everything all at once, they can deliver it in pieces.

In addition to being easily accessible to employees whenever and wherever they have internet access, eLearning is frequently less expensive for businesses than in-person training.

Organizing online training is less expensive than scheduling traditional in-person training. You won’t have to pay for employees’ travel costs to the training site, reserve office space, or pay for their lodging and food.

Online training may be swiftly offered and implemented. Your staff members will be able to quickly pick up new knowledge and skills. It will be unnecessary for you to rely on printed products that need to be created, published, and circulated throughout your company. Users can immediately access the information by just uploading the eLearning modules.

Employees can use eLearning to further their career objectives. They can select the courses they need to be successful in their specific line of work.

Employee productivity will increase thanks to online training. They will be more effective when they have received greater training and have the information they require about your services or products. Every dollar spent on online training yields a $30 boost in productivity, claims Forbes. Employee engagement in businesses that use eLearning technology increases by 18%.

Employee turnover can be decreased through eLearning. According to Forbes, 40% of workers who receive subpar on-the-job training quit their jobs within the first year. Your staff are more likely to stick with your business if you invest in online training for them. You will advance their professional objectives and aims. They’ll be grateful that you value them enough to give them the instruction they require to advance in their particular field.

Best e-learning software for training companies

When it comes to live virtual training paired with digital learning or eLearning courses, FODUU is the perfect LMS for training companies who provide in-person or classroom training.

FODUU LMS can serve both B2B and B2C training organisations, whether you offer your training programmes to corporate clients, also known as Business to Business (B2B Training), or the general public, also known as Business to Consumer (B2C Training).

Improve the skills of your staff with effective, cutting-edge, and result-driven training programmes. Contact us for best e-learning software in India.




Looking for an easier way to manage your online training or online courses for students or learners? Try FODUU LMS Software, the all-in-one system.