10 Striking Mall Digital Signage Ideas

Foiworks Advertising
4 min readJun 15, 2023


We bring all the best mall advertising ideas under one roof for putting up amazing mall digital signages. You are free to play around with a gamut of cool screen ideas to create a buzz. If managed to combine the best possible ideas suited for your kind of business, you can make heads turn.

We collate a list of the best formats; you choose according to your budget. However, the right fit would be what suits your business model. After choosing the methods, you also need to work on creating great content that simply transfixes the audience.

1. Nothing attracts better than videos…

Videos are pretty mainstream and they are around for quite a long time, now. However, short or long, it is effective in every format. That is why, we still trust this method to grab the attention of your target in a jiffy. High-quality clips can create magic and ensure a lasting impression. However, before investing in the video, ensure that the mall authority takes great care of the screen. Because results cannot be expected without well-maintained media to put up the ads.

2. Wayfinding screens…

Wayfinding screens play a huge role in guiding visitors in the right direction. You have to make sure that such screens are perfectly designed for impeccable guidance. If people are mistakenly sent to the wrong location, that will do more trouble than good. Make sure, yours is perfectly interactive. An intuitive wayfinding signage can be the ultimate branding tool to keep up with your brand-building exercise.

3. Promote Social content…

Did you ever think that social media promotion can be an efficient way for mall promotion? However, the prospect is higher if you project your Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube promotional materials on mall screens. The process is more efficient if it is indirect and gentle. Gamification and user-generated content create the maximum buzz. Because advertising campaigns at shopping malls create lasting impressions when they are less intrusive and more inclined toward solving the audience’s problem.

4. User-generated content per se…

User-generated content can be obtained in the format of images or videos. Rewarding the best ones encourages the audience to engage in a better way. You can telecast it on the screens around the mall as digital signage. It is a win-win game for both, the brand and the visitors on the screen.

5. Unique Visual Experience…

The shopping malls are for offering two basic experiences to visitors. They enjoy their shopping spree out there. However, your targets are also among them. So, just grab the eyeballs by creating an amazing visual experience through magical digital signages. A mall creates a mini-world comprising experiences like food, movies, ‘retail therapy’, or some mood-up-lifting shopping spree.

Every individual setting their foot on the floor is already full of ideas to get themselves entertained. In such a condition, creating a visual spectacle is an absolute necessity if you need to hold their attention for a considerable stretch. The best use cases (and most effective ones) are thematic areas, interactive zones, and video walls.

6. Create amusement for the children…

Shopping malls provide a large play area for kids on weekends. To avail the attention of their parents (your prime target), you have to offer something attractive to the kids. What they want is a screen full of happiness and something for their weekend digital appetite. Strike a balance between real and virtual, make the children ask for more, and turn them into repeat visitors. The magnet can be a selfie stand, a photo booth, a game zone, etc. No dull moment for the kids means frequent mall visits, increased attention, and better brand recall.

7. Better branding…

Mall digital signage can leverage the power of videos most effectively. Corporate videos for branding are the best fit. Advertise an upcoming or existing shop along with what products/ services they offer. The short videos can also add clients’ feedback.

8. Gamification…

At shopping malls with multiple screens, gamification would be a great advertising idea. It can be a QR-code hunt and other gaming and competition ideas to keep visitors busy. Offering rewards to the winners can further engage and excite a larger group.

9. Engage your employees…

Marketing is not only about targeting customers/ prospects, the best marketing strategies involve the employees too. If you rope in a large number of employees at your shopping mall outlets, they get an instant morale boost. Additionally, this activity makes them feel appreciated. The screens at the mall provide a large support area for this purpose. You can appreciate the best-performing teams, and employees through digital signage. Motivational videos too can be effective mall screen advertisements for your brand.

10. Press reviews about the brand…

Your business can have a wide range of reviews in newspapers and magazines. If you have to attract new customers, press reviews are your weapons. Mall screens are your real estate to inform the world about how you are a cut above. Use your network software for mall digital signage and make the best use of favorable reviews about your business.

Let’s wrap it up…

The possibilities are endless. You can do your R&D for making the best use of all the mall screens available. Just take your time, and sit with your Marketing team to dish out the best platter to lure your group of targets. And your job is done. The screen time for your mall digital signage will do the rest.

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Foiworks Advertising

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