Measuring brand awareness online in Creative Digital PR

Foiworks Advertising
4 min readAug 31, 2023


Tracking changes in online brand awareness among your target audience can be a challenging KPI to monitor. But if it’s a goal of your marketing strategy, especially for your digital PR efforts, it’s crucial to accurately measure its impact. This will help you ensure that you’re allocating your marketing resources in the most effective way. So, how can you measure brand awareness levels?

How to measure brand awareness online?

If you want to enhance your brand’s online presence through creative digital PR and other marketing activities, it is vital to measure your brand awareness before implementing any new strategy. There are various key performance indicators (KPIs) that you can use to gauge an increase in brand awareness. Thus, it is essential to have a clear understanding of your starting point to identify any improvements in the future. After launching your PR campaign and gaining traction, it’s crucial to recheck these metrics to determine if your campaign has had the desired impact.

Some of the KPIs that you can use for this purpose include:

Customer clicks and Brand impressions

With Google Search Console (GSC), you can track the number of times people have searched for your brand on Google, as well as the number of clicks your site has received. The higher your click-through rate (CTR) for results that show your brand, the more likely it is that people are specifically searching for your brand. This means that an increase in impressions and clicks may indicate that your digital PR campaigns have generated more interest in your brand. To filter your view and see only brand-related searches, you can easily display queries that include your brand name, but be careful not to miss partial brand searches or misspellings.

Direct traffic Levels

It can be confusing to understand what direct traffic means, but some users visit your website by typing your website address into the address bar. If your digital PR campaign included your website address, you might see an increase in direct traffic. This could indicate that more people are becoming aware of your website and what you offer. Additionally, a decrease in bounce rate for direct traffic can suggest that visitors found what they were looking for and stayed on your site longer, potentially leading to increased brand awareness.

Tracking the earned media

A typical component of reporting on any PR campaign is keeping track of any online media coverage you have obtained as a consequence of your digital PR activities. It’s crucial to include any websites that can choose the story, although if they were doing so indirectly. Keeping track of internet coverage is crucial, especially if it includes a hyperlink to your website and any media title that is pertinent to your audience and might increase brand recognition. Backlinks can help your site rank better in search engine results, but they can also possibly send highly relevant referral traffic your way if a user clicks on the link.

Traffic Referral Levels and Types

Since the website referring viewers may not be appropriate to the group you’re attempting to reach, a rise in referral traffic alone does not guarantee that brand recognition among the target demographic is rising. Any visitor who clicks on a brand link is likely to have learned more about the brand and what it offers if the site quality is strong since it may be bringing in people who are already somewhat qualified.

Using the social media voice

A useful approach to gauge any changes following digital PR effort is to keep track of how frequently and in what context people are discussing your business on social media. A smart approach to achieve this is with the help of tools. When assessing brand awareness particularly, it’s important to consider what people are saying and how they are feeling as well as whether they are talking about your brand or not.

How can you gauge brand recognition on social media?

You may compare your brand’s social share of voice to that of your competitors by examining the volume and tone of social media conversations about your company and its competitors. Increases in interaction on your brand postings may also be a good indicator, as comments and shares will inevitably broaden the organic traffic of your social media material. A rise in your follower count following digital PR efforts can be a good signal of enhanced brand awareness.

Any time you evaluate brand recognition, it’s critical to have your target audience front and center since without them, the metrics won’t matter as much to your company or your marketing goals. It’s crucial to plan tailored digital PR activity that is intended to produce noticeable outcomes for your company or organization since contacting more people doesn’t guarantee that you are reaching the correct people.

To learn about our creative digital PR approach or campaign measurement, please contact our team at FOIWORKS Pvt. Ltd. which is powered by ARnS Tech Pvt. Ltd.

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