Top Virtual Marketing: Know the Definition, Benefits, Types, and Strategies

5 min readFeb 9, 2023


The process of Marketing helps brands or businesses get potential clients/customers who are interested in purchasing their products or services. It includes research, promotion, selling, and also distribution of services and products. Around half of the population on earth is on the internet. According to a Google marketing insights study, about 48% of internet users use search engine platforms to know about any product or service, around 33% visit branded websites, and 26% look for offerings on mobile apps. These stats state that marketers must reach out to their audience through Virtual Marketing.

Virtual Marketing Definition

The term virtual marketing, also called Digital Marketing or Viral Marketing, is the process undertaken to achieve marketing objectives and goals. It uses the internet and other related technologies to target audiences based on certain interests and criteria. Digital marketing services in Kolkata utilize online tools, data, and channels to build business-customer relationships, attract potential customers, and create a unique brand identity.

Importance of Virtual Marketing

As more than half of the population is active on the web, it is best to reach and communicate with them where they are. For businesses, virtual marketing has become very crucial across all domains today because it easily connects with the customer online.

Virtual Marketing becomes a medium for businesses to connect with their customers through various strategies and platforms.

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Virtual Marketing Benefits:

Here’s the complete list of benefits of virtual marketing:

· Cost-efficient than other marketing techniques available out there.

· Makes your business available to your potential audience online through desktops, smartphones, and other internet devices.

· Offering the flexibility of choosing a variety of strategic marketing options like SMO, SEO, PPC, Content Marketing, email marketing, and many more.

· Expanding business reach to a wide population.

· Allowing your marketing process to be more effective.

· Allows you to directly communicate with your customers.

· Enables you to monitor your marketing activities.

· You can establish authority in your business niche.

The different Virtual Marketing Strategies

Here are virtual marketing strategies that you must know for your business:

Create a credible online presence

One of the most effective tools available is social media. It enables you to communicate with your target market in a way that was previously inconceivable. Utilize social media to offer informative material that users want to share and to develop connections with both existing and prospective consumers.

Make content that is valuable and shareable

Making content that is valuable of sharing is one of the keys to effective virtual marketing. Whether you’re creating an infographic, blog post, or video, make sure your material is engaging and informational. Your chances of connecting with your target audience are increases as more people view and share your content.

Make use of email marketing’s strengths

You may deliver tailored communications to both present and future consumers via email marketing. Utilize email marketing campaigns to advertise new goods or services, present special deals, or just inform customers of company developments.

Use Paid Ads to connect with more people

A smart method to reach customers who would not otherwise see your business is through paid advertising. Paid advertising may assist you in reaching a wider audience, generating leads, and making purchases, whether it be through banner ads or pay-per-click advertisements.

Types of Virtual Marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In order to rank higher on search engines, attract leads and consumers, and establish brand authority, SEO is an essential component of any digital marketing plan. 90% of the users on Google click on the search results showing on the first page, thus it is crucial for the success of your online marketing campaigns.

The best use of keywords, creating internal and external links, making the site easy to navigate, quick loading, updating older blog articles, creating captivating titles and tags, and other tactics are used in SEO.

Effective Website Design

Your business website is an important virtual marketing asset. Your website should be compelling enough to convert visitors who are searching for the goods or services you provide.


Another well-liked method of virtual marketing is remarketing, often known as retargeting. Businesses use it to show advertisements to individuals who have already visited their website or a certain page and have made a specific action or not. This strategy works well because it exposes potential customers to your brand among those who have previously shown some interest in it.

Businesses get a second opportunity to convert, keep, or upsell consumers through remarketing. First-time visitors rarely convert, thus this strategy is effective. According to statistics, the conversion rate might be as low as 2.86%. Retargeting therefore makes use of the lost website visitors. Additionally, their chances of converting are increased by the increased exposure to your brand.

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Automation of Marketing

The term “marketing automation” describes the use of technologies to automate monotonous marketing tasks. It makes it simple to scale your marketing initiatives. Through several marketing channels, including social media, email, push notifications, ads, SMS, and more, you may automate your marketing.

Marketing automation improves personalization while simultaneously increasing efficiency. This is because comprehending the buyer’s persona and user’s history, helps reach the appropriate individual with the perfect information at the right moment.


In this age of widespread internet use, virtual marketing is essential. It is difficult, though, as it requires a variety of tactics and ideas. To effectively advertise your business in the internet world, you must put in a lot of work and find the proper harmony between some of them. Virtual marketing, when done correctly, may bring about a wide range of unparalleled advantages. FOI Works Pvt. Ltd., the best digital marketing agency in Kolkata, has robust facilities and virtual marketing practices to help brands achieve success.




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