Taming the Build Beast: Maven vs. Gradle for Simple Java Projects

FOKOU Arnaud Cedric
2 min read4 days ago
Photo by Michiel Leunens on Unsplash

Compiling Java code with javac is a breeze for small projects. But as your project grows, managing dependencies, running tests, and creating distributable packages becomes a tangled mess. This is where build tools like Maven and Gradle come to the rescue.

The javac Challenge: A Simple Example

Imagine a basic Java program that uses a popular library like java.util.Scanner. Let’s say the .java file is named ReadAndPrint.java. Here’s how you would compile it using javac:

javac ReadAndPrint.java

This creates a bytecode file (ReadAndPrint.class). However, things get trickier if Scanner is from an external library. You’d need to download the library manually, place it in the correct location, and then compile with the -classpath option:

javac -classpath /path/to/scanner.jar ReadAndPrint.java

This quickly becomes cumbersome, especially when dealing with multiple libraries and complex project structures.

Enter Maven and Gradle: Build Management Heroes

Both Maven and Gradle solve these problems by automating the build process. They handle dependencies, build lifecycles, and packaging, freeing you to focus on coding.

Maven: Magic with Conventions

Maven promotes a “convention over configuration” approach. It uses a pre-defined project structure and expects certain files, like the pom.xml, which defines project information and dependencies.

Here’s a simplified example of a pom.xml for our ReadAndPrint program using Scanner:


This defines the project details and declares a dependency on the JUnit testing library. With Maven configured, simply running mvn compile will download the necessary libraries (Scanner is likely included within JUnit), compile your code, and generate the bytecode files.

Gradle: Kotlin Scripting for Flexibility

While Maven uses XML for build configuration, Gradle employs a powerful Domain-Specific Language (DSL) based on Kotlin (a modern, general-purpose language). This DSL allows for concise and readable build definitions. Here’s a basic Gradle script (build.gradle) achieving the same functionality as the Maven example:

group 'com.example'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
repositories {
dependencies {
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.13.2'
task compile(type: JavaCompile) {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
classpath sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
task test(type: Test) {

This script defines project details, configures a repository for downloading libraries, specifies the JUnit dependency, and defines tasks for compilation and testing. Running gradle compile will achieve the same result as the Maven command.

Choosing Your Build Champion

Both Maven and Gradle excel at managing dependencies and build processes. Here’s a quick tip for choosing:

  • For beginners: Maven’s simplicity and pre-defined conventions are a great starting point.
  • For customization: Gradle offers more flexibility with Kotlin scripting, making it ideal for complex projects with specific needs.

No matter your choice, these build tools will save you time and headaches, keeping your Java projects organized and efficient, even as they grow beyond a simple javac compilation.

