Why OneLedger (OLT) is the Most Undervalued Blockchain Project

5 min readDec 21, 2018


Hey Guys!!

Hope you’re doing great and keeping abreast with happenings in the blockchain world?

Today, I would like to talk to you about a project which is pretty much under the radar right now but has massive potential to be a leader in the blockchain space. So, sit back and learn about OneLedger in this article. I promise you that it will be worth the read.

What is OneLedger?

OneLedger is a universal blockchain protocol enabling cross-ledger access. What this means is that OneLedger is one big chain that allows other chains to interact on the OneLedger protocol. OneLedger is a blockchain protocol that acts as a gateway between enterprise systems and all of the other public/private chains. It natively supports cross-chain transactions and has business modules that can drive sophisticated processing like atomic swaps between other chains. OneLedger is truly a universal protocol that provides a one-stop solution for enterprise blockchain applications in the form of modules.

What is Unique about OneLedger?

You might want to ask that:

What’s unique about this project?

Aren’t there other cross-ledger blockchain projects out there?

How is OneLedger different from all of these other cross-ledger projects?

Well, those are valid questions to ask and I will give you answers to all of those questions. To start with, there are many different cross-ledger protocols out there what differentiate OneLedger is the approach that it took in building its protocol. OneLedger is building its cross-ledger protocol based on the enterprise needs so it can act as a gateway between these enterprises and the decentralized world.

Basically, what others are doing is building a protocol and then later try to connect this protocol to centralized technologies but OneLedger takes a fundamentally different approach by taking into consideration the needs of the enterprises and then building a protocol that allows these enterprises to seamlessly leverage blockchain technology in order to increase efficiency in their businesses. So enterprise needs are what informs the building of the architecture behind the OneLeger cross-ledger protocol.

Other projects also seek to allow cross-chain transactions on their platforms but OneLedger is trying to use new engineering procedures to connect different chains so that it becomes easy for enterprises to take advantage of decentralized technologies. This enables enterprises to be able to easily integrate blockchain into their businesses in a much easier way because OneLedger provides enterprises with specialized tools that allow that. So basically, if you want to connect to different chains, just get on OneLedger and start interacting with them.

Development Stage

What stage is OneLedger in its developmental phase is another burning question that I know you want to ask. OneLedger released its MVP back in July with many versions of the protocol released up to date. Everything is now set for the release of the testnet which is scheduled to launch on the 31st of this month. The testnet has been named CHRONOS which is a personification of time. You can check out the latest development update here

When is the Mainnet?

The mainnet is scheduled for Quarter 4, 2019. I know you’re like “oh, that’s a bit far” but really it is not far because what OneLedger is trying to do is to allow everyone to hammer the testnet with requests and push it as hard as possible which takes a bit of time. And also building a universal protocol like OneLedger is trying to do does involve a lot of trade-offs with lots of code editing such that it meets all of the constraints that need to be worked through in order to assure that the underlying software is robust and secure.


Building strategic cooperation and partnerships with blockchain projects that have similar goals can only help in improving the blockchain environment for enterprises for easy adoption and OneLedger has certainly been doing that through the last couple of months. OneLedger has been able to build over 25 partnerships with solid blockchain projects such as TomoChain Quarkchain, Edenchain, Pchain, Jura, Dispatch, STK, and other similar projects. These partnerships help to pull resources together and work towards a common development goal of enterprises easy integration of decentralized solutions.

The Team

The team is headed by the brilliant David Cao who has taken it upon himself to transform a vision into a full-scale product and changing the way the businesses will operate in the future in order to bring the enterprises into real-world blockchain usage. The rest of the team comprises of brilliant minds with valuable years of experience in blockchain technology, software engineering, and business development.


I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about this massive project called OneLedger and can as well agree with me that it’s so undervalued right now considering all the info I have put up there. What OneLedger is trying to achieve is not novel in itself, but the approach its taking is a more efficient one that allows centralized enterprises to extend their markets via decentralized technologies in a seamless manner.

For more information about OneLedger, please visit the following useful links:










