Best Bonsai Tree for Beginners: Top 6 Easy to Grow Varieties

Daniel Elrod
10 min readNov 14, 2023


best bonsai tree for beginners

No time to read? Here is a summary of the top beginner-friendly bonsai trees and links to where you can buy them…

Click the links below to check their prices or check out this full collection of beginner Bonsai trees

Top Beginner-Friendly Bonsai Trees

Oriental Ficus

Chinese Elm

chinese elm bonsai


junpier bonsai tree

Japanese Maple

japanese maple bonsai

Japanese Red Pine

japanese red pine bonsai

Bonsai trees are a unique and intricate art form that combines horticulture and creativity. While growing a bonsai tree can seem intimidating for beginners, starting with the right tree and guidance can help make the process enjoyable and rewarding. In this article, we’ll introduce some of the best bonsai trees for beginners to get started on their bonsai journey.

Understanding the fundamentals of bonsai trees is crucial for success. These miniaturized trees are cultivated to reflect the beauty of full-sized trees by shaping and pruning, requiring patience and care. Selecting a bonsai tree suitable for beginners involves considering factors such as the tree’s ability to thrive indoors or outdoors, ease of care, and the tree’s growth rate.

Bonsai tree care techniques play a significant role in ensuring the tree’s health and growth. It is important for beginners to familiarize themselves with basic techniques, such as watering, fertilizing, and pruning, to help their tree flourish. In addition, understanding the tree’s natural habitat and environmental needs will be an essential aspect of bonsai tree cultivation.

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the right bonsai tree for beginners is essential for success.
  • Familiarizing oneself with basic bonsai care techniques ensures a healthy tree.
  • Understanding the tree’s natural habitat and climate needs aids in bonsai cultivation.

Understanding Bonsai Trees

epic bonsai tree

Bonsai Species Overview

As a bonsai enthusiast, I am always fascinated by the different species available. There are several tree species suitable for beginners, including the Chinese Elm, Juniper Procumbens, and Ficus. Each of these species offers unique attributes that make them perfect for first-time growers, such as resilience, adaptability to different environments, and aesthetic appeal.

Understanding Bonsai Tree Characteristics

When selecting a bonsai tree, it is essential to consider its characteristics, such as growth rate, foliage type, and root system. Bonsai trees with rapid growth rates, like the Boxwood, can recover quickly from over-pruning, which is a common mistake among beginners. Furthermore, some species like the Hawaiian Umbrella and Jade plants are known for their adaptability to various environments, making for easy maintenance for newcomers to the craft.

As for the root system, knowing whether the tree requires deep or shallow pots will play a significant role in the overall health and wellbeing of your bonsai. Some popular species for beginners, like the Ponytail Palm and Dracena Marginata, tend to have shallow root systems and thus require a smaller pot size.

Deciduous Vs Evergreen Bonsai

Bonsai trees can be divided into two main categories based on their foliage: deciduous and evergreen. Deciduous bonsai trees, like the Japanese White Pine and Hemlock Spruce, lose their leaves seasonally. They require more maintenance and are generally recommended for slightly more experienced growers due to their delicate nature.

On the other hand, evergreen bonsai trees, such as the Styrax Japonica and Picea Mariana, retain their leaves year-round. They are typically more forgiving and can endure various conditions, making them an ideal choice for beginners.

In my experience, choosing the right bonsai for a beginner involves finding one that is easy to maintain, grows well, and provides a sense of accomplishment. Selecting a bonsai tree based on its species, characteristics, and whether it is deciduous or evergreen is essential for ensuring success in your bonsai journey.

Selecting a Bonsai Tree for Beginners

bonsai collection

As a beginner in the world of bonsai, it can be overwhelming to choose the right tree. In this section, we will discuss the best indoor and outdoor bonsai trees for beginners, giving you a greater understanding of what to look for when making your selection.

Best Indoor Bonsai Trees

Indoor bonsai trees are excellent choices for those who want to practice bonsai within their homes or offices. Here are some top options for indoor bonsai:

  1. Ficus: Ficus trees are popular indoor bonsai choices due to their hardiness and resistance to pests. They can tolerate low sunlight conditions, but they grow faster with more sunlight.
  2. Jade: Jade plants (Crassula ovata), also known as Dwarf Jade, are easy-to-care for and can withstand varying lighting conditions. They are great for beginners due to their ability to store water, making them more forgiving if you forget to water them.
  3. Schefflera: Also known as the Umbrella Tree, Schefflera is a beginner-friendly indoor bonsai tree that adapts well to varying light conditions and requires less maintenance than some other options.
  4. Chinese Elm: Though often grown outdoors, Chinese Elm bonsai can also thrive indoors with enough natural light. This tree is known for its delicate foliage and beautiful bark, making it an attractive choice for beginners.

Best Outdoor Bonsai Trees

For those with outdoor space, there are also plenty of beginner-friendly bonsai species to choose from:

  1. Juniper: Juniper trees are one of the most popular outdoor bonsai species for beginners. They are relatively easy to care for and come in various appealing shapes and sizes.
  2. Acer Palmatum: Also known as Japanese Maple, Acer Palmatum is a stunning outdoor bonsai tree choice. It’s famous for its fiery autumn color display of red, orange, and yellow leaves. However, it requires more care and attention than some other species.
  3. Chinese Elm: As mentioned earlier, Chinese Elm is a versatile tree suitable for both indoor and outdoor bonsai, making it an excellent choice for beginners. With proper care, this tree can thrive in various environments.
  4. Trident Maple: Trident Maple bonsai trees are hardy and easy to maintain, making them suitable for bonsai beginners. They display beautiful foliage and require moderate watering and sunlight.

In conclusion, when selecting a beginner bonsai tree, consider the indoor or outdoor setting and choose from the species listed above. With patience and proper care, you’ll soon be on your way to mastering the art of bonsai.

Bonsai Tree Care Techniques for Beginners

Watering and Drainage

Caring for a bonsai tree involves ensuring proper watering and drainage. I make sure to water my tree when the soil starts to feel slightly dry, but not completely dried out. It’s important to avoid over-watering, as this can lead to root rot. I use a well-draining soil mix to prevent excess water from sitting around the roots.

  • Water when soil is slightly dry
  • Avoid over-watering
  • Use well-draining soil mix

Pruning and Trimming

Pruning and trimming are crucial to maintaining a bonsai tree’s shape and health. I regularly prune the branches and leaves to promote new growth and keep the tree looking fresh. It’s important to use sharp, sterile tools to minimize damage and prevent infection.

  • Regularly prune branches and leaves
  • Promote new growth
  • Use sharp, sterile tools

Shaping and Wiring

To achieve the desired shape for my bonsai tree, I use shaping and wiring techniques. Wiring involves wrapping malleable wire around the branches to guide their growth in a specific direction. I carefully monitor my tree’s growth and adjust the wires as needed, making sure not to allow the wire to cut into the bark.

  • Wrap wire around branches to guide growth
  • Monitor tree growth and adjust wires as needed
  • Avoid wire cutting into bark

Bonsai Tree Cultivation

Bonsai Pot Selection

When starting with bonsai tree cultivation, it’s important to select an appropriate pot for your miniature tree. You’ll need a container that can accommodate the tree’s root system, offers proper drainage, and complements the overall look of your bonsai. A suitable pot is essential in maintaining the tree’s health and achieving a harmonious appearance.

Bonsai Soil Requirements

Selecting the right soil is vital for your bonsai tree’s growth and health. A well-draining soil mixture is crucial, as it allows excessive water to drain away from the plant’s roots while retaining enough moisture to sustain it. A combination of organic and inorganic materials is often recommended, ensuring good fertility and enhanced drainage.

Below are a few key requirements for bonsai soil:

  • Well-draining: This prevents root rot and maintains the tree’s health.
  • Good aeration: The soil should allow air to circulate around the roots.
  • Nutrient-rich: The soil must provide essential nutrients to support the tree’s growth.

Bonsai Lighting Preferences

Sunlight significantly impacts the growth and wellbeing of your bonsai tree. Each species has specific lighting preferences, so make sure to research your tree’s requirements. Generally, bonsai trees need at least 4–6 hours of direct sunlight every day. I suggest positioning your tree in a location that receives long hours of sunlight, especially during the growing season.

Fertilizing Your Bonsai Tree

Fertilizing is a critical part of bonsai tree cultivation, as it ensures your tree receives the necessary nutrients for healthy growth. Here are a few general tips to fertilize your bonsai tree:

  • Frequency: Fertilize your tree regularly during the growing season, usually from spring to autumn.
  • Type: Use a balanced liquid or solid fertilizer, specially formulated for bonsai trees.
  • Application: Follow the specific fertilizer’s instructions for proper application and dosage.

In conclusion, cultivating a bonsai tree can be a rewarding experience for beginners. By considering pot selection, soil requirements, lighting preferences, and fertilizing techniques, you can ensure a healthy and visually appealing bonsai tree.

Dealing with Bonsai Tree Growth and Climate

As a first-time bonsai grower, it’s crucial to pay attention to the growth and climate in which your tree will thrive. To have a healthy bonsai tree, understanding the climate requirements and growth rate of a particular tree is essential.

I recommend starting with low maintenance indoor trees, like the Ficus or Dwarf Jade. These tropical and sub-tropical trees are perfect for beginners as they adapt well to indoor conditions and have relatively simple care routines. However, don’t forget that these trees still need lots of sunlight, so placing them near a bright window is beneficial.

Now, for bonsai trees that are more suited for outdoor environments, you should choose trees that can handle the climate of your area. For instance, if you live in an area with winter dormancy, a deciduous tree may be the best choice, as it requires a period of rest during winter. Be mindful of the growth rate as well, because some outdoor trees will have slower or faster periods of new growth depending on the climate and season.

Whether indoors or outdoors, proper care is essential to avoid issues like root rot. Regular monitoring of soil moisture, adequate drainage, and making adjustments based on weather conditions can help in maintaining the health of your bonsai tree.

In conclusion, remember that each bonsai tree type has unique growth patterns and climate needs. By selecting a tree that suits your environment, you’ll be better equipped to care for it and enjoy the art of bonsai.

Bonsai as an Art and Craft

Bonsai is an art form and hobby that has been practiced for centuries. The art of bonsai involves training and styling trees or shrubs on a small scale, mimicking their full-sized counterparts in nature. It is the craft of patience, requiring continuous care and attention to develop and maintain the desired shape and size.

As a practice, bonsai is not just about skill but also about connecting with nature and embracing the serene beauty it offers. The patience required for success in bonsai acts as a reminder of the importance of consistency and dedication in any art form or craft.

In bonsai, styling is a crucial aspect that sets it apart from other forms of gardening. This includes techniques like pruning, wiring, and repotting, which are essential for guiding the tree’s growth in the desired direction. The meticulous attention to detail in bonsai styling encourages focus and appreciation for the unique characteristics of each individual tree.

Bonsai is a unique blend of art and craft that has been practiced and enjoyed by many as a meditative and fulfilling hobby. The key to success in this practice lies in the combination of patience, dedication, and a deep appreciation for the beauty of nature. As a beginner, it’s important to remember that the journey to mastering the art of bonsai is just as rewarding as the destination.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top beginner-friendly bonsai species?

In my opinion, the most beginner-friendly bonsai species are:

These species are popular and relatively easy to grow, making them suitable options for novices.

Which indoor bonsai trees are best for novices?

If you’re looking for beginner-friendly indoor bonsai trees, I recommend:

  • Ficus (Ficus retusa)
  • Carmona (Carmona microphylla)
  • Dwarf jade (Portulacaria afra)

These bonsai species adapt well to indoor conditions and require relatively low maintenance.

How to choose a bonsai tree for a first-timer?

To choose a bonsai tree for a beginner, consider their personal taste, as well as whether they plan on placing the tree indoors or outdoors. The list of beginner-friendly species mentioned earlier offers a good starting point.

What factors to consider when selecting a bonsai for beginners?

When selecting a bonsai tree for beginners, here are some important factors to consider:

  • The tree species’ suitability for their local climate
  • The availability of ideal light conditions
  • The tree’s watering and pruning requirements
  • The suitability of the tree for indoor or outdoor placement

Are there any fast-growing bonsai trees suitable for beginners?

Fast-growing bonsai species suitable for beginners include:

These species grow relatively quickly and can provide a rewarding experience for beginners due to their faster progress.

Is it better to start from seeds or purchase a pre-grown bonsai?

As a beginner, I recommend starting with a pre-grown bonsai. It allows you to focus on honing your pruning and shaping skills right away. Starting from seeds can be a much more complex and lengthy process, as bonsai trees take years to grow and develop into a mature shape.



Daniel Elrod

My name is Daniel Elrod, and I have been houseplant love ever since I was 17.