Folio Featured NFT Artist: Celebrity LA Photographer, Pol Kurucz

Folio, Inc.
5 min readOct 11, 2021

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am an LA based French photographer / visual artist. I specialize in celebrity, fashion and creative shoots. My works are mainly published in magazines, social media and I also sell in galleries worldwide.

What is your NFT origin story? How did you end up in this world?

Until last year, my work was mainly classical stills and animation. I started to sell NFTs in a physical gallery in Union Square, NYC out of the Superchief Gallery. Starting last year because of COVID, I discovered the wonderful world of NFTs, virtual backgrounds and 3D. I jumped right into it! I wish I discovered it sooner, because I discovered how free my imagination could go. I am super excited to step more into the world of NFTs!

Nicki Minaj photographed by Pol Kurucz

Describe a real-life situation that inspired you?

I’m always inspired by the way my models are daydreaming in the studio while we are setting up the set and lights. I try to read their mind and integrate that into the story, their pose, their expression.

“Poppy Of Alabaster”, 2021 featuring artist Poppy and Pol Kurucz, NFT sells for 7.90Ξ

What excites you the most about NFTs and Web3?

The communication and involvement (mostly emotional) of my audience with my work, and by extension with my life. NFTs are changing the way my art is made directly to the fans, rather than to the galleries.

What do you think is the most exciting trend right now in the photography world?

Mixing classical photography with virtual models and hyper-realistic 3D images.

Liza Koshy photographed by Pol Kurucz

Has Instagram benefited your photography and if yes, how?

Tremendously. It’s the best feedback tool possible.

What’s your life philosophy?

Life is too short for lukewarm stuff…

What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?

Strikin’ weird, sexy poses on video calls with my sketch artists (to illustrate what he needs to draw)…. while in a packed gym.

Could you tell us one person that inspires you, that might surprise people?

My father, who lives in a small house with 7 toilets and reads a book every day of the week on each of them. An allegory for thinking big while remaining small…

Do you have any rituals you do before you start your creative process for a new project, to get your mind and energy in the right place?

I grab a snack, sit down, alone, in the studio, and imagine myself walking in a huge, crowded gallery. A large picture on the farthest wall catches my attention. It’s blank. I need to fill it with life without my attention shifting away. That’s where the creative process starts…

How do you conceptualize your images? What is your creative process?

I do not follow processes. My ideas come instinctively in form of images that pop up in my head in the shower, in bed or on the street, in a theater or while browsing social media. The ideas then go through a little curating engine in my head which follows the aesthetics of a few virtual masters such as Rene Magritte, Roy Andersson, Bob Wilson, Alejandro Jodorowsky, and Miles Aldridge.

What’s a typical day for you?

I get up late, after a long night of work with retouchers, I grab some lactose free, whole grain brunch on the corner for myself and an organic brownie for each member of our collective, I run up to the studio where the others are already working hard, then we alternate between silent background work and loud meetings. Late afternoon I try to relax my brain on a treadmill and end up stressing even more on my cell phone. Then comes some real rest, eating, cinema, theater with friends, then work again, then reading, then sleep… During photo shooting periods (one week per month) there is no typical day, nor minute…

What makes you happy?

Those moments in life when I don’t live blind as I usually do, and see, recognize the beautiful, the good.

TikToker & Singer Bella Poarch
Gigi Goode
Symone, Paper Magazine
Symone, Paper Magazine

Who are your favorite NFT artists right now and what makes them special to you?

Antoni Tudisco, Jason Ebeyer and Flóra Borsi. They are special for the immense creativity of artworks executed on the highest level of quality.

What is your dream project?

A mixed 3D-video short with Lady Gaga.

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Joey Primiani

Co-Founder & CEO, Folio



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