Get Your Customers Back by Re-targeting Them

Folke Engholm
5 min readJul 24, 2019


How do you increase your brand visibility without driving your customers away?

Today there are less customers making on-the-spot purchases. On average, they will check particular items for approximately seven times to make sure they get the best deals. (Check out other interesting statistics of customer’s purchasing behavior this 2019 here!) The culmination of this fact for brands and marketers is the possibility of losing customers throughout the process.

Re-targeting strategy is the solution to the situation.

What is Re-targeting Marketing?

The majority of your website visitors won’t convert on their first visit. Re-targeting strategy is a type of paid advertising strategy with one primary goal: to increase brand visibility to stay on the potential customers’ top-of-mind awareness. It is such a robust conversion optimization and effective branding tool. One of the greatest benefits from re-targeting marketing strategy is to boost brand awareness.

On a basic level, the idea of this advertising instrument is to help e-commerce sites to reach users who don’t convert immediately. Re-targeting marketing works effectively to get these targeted customers to make purchases, because it addressed the psychological effect that every modern buyer exercised: the fear of missing out. Thus, with re-targeting strategy, a marketer can make his brand visible among his potential customers. As they saw the re-targeted ads, they will unconsciously succumb to their former desire to purchase the products/services or remember the said-brands whenever similar subjects rise (Read how ephemeral content could be the perfect content to do so).

How Does It Work?

Re-targeting marketing is available in various forms, such as search re-targeting, site-based re-targeting, email re-targeting, or CRM re-targeting. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Pixel-based re-targeting strategy

Re-targeting strategy is about efficiency and precision and it all roots down to the process of collecting and analyzing data through traffic. Pixel-based re-targeting strategy allows marketers to display their ads to any visitors of their websites. Facebook pixel and Google analytics are two of marketers’ favorite tools to exercise this strategy.

With pixel-based re-targeting, when visitors visit your website, all of the information will be retained. Later on, the information will be used to analyze these visitors’ behavior which marketers can use to further generate personalized ads with the intention to take their interest back to their brands and encourage further conversion.

I once went into ASOS’ website on Facebook and scroll through their products. I didn’t make any purchases but after that single visit, for the weeks after, I kept seeing ASOS’ website ads appearing on my Facebook feed. Thanks to that, this time, I’m seriously considering to purchase one of their products. This is just one of few examples how pixel-based re-targeting strategy could work to increase a brand’s conversion rates.

Email re-targeting strategy

We have a lot of cool, high-tech marketing tools today. I can understand why modern marketers tend to overlook the power of the traditional email marketing. But did you know that email marketing is actually one of the most effective methods to reach your customers? In fact, statistics reported that 77% of people prefer to receive promotional materials via email than any other channel.

Email re-targeting is a simple and effective way to supplement an email marketing campaign. The key is to avoid upping your email frequency as consumers will unsubscribe when they feel deluged with emails, but rather, supplement them with another form of outreach, i.e. native advertising.

Email re-targeting works precisely the same way as traditional site re-targeting, but allows marketers to target email subscribers rather than website visitors. Marketers simply need to put a line of code in their email signature or in the HTML of their email and anyone who opens the emails will be served ads. This is a particularly powerful method to make your brands visible without sending too many emails and risking potential clients unsubscribing from your email list.

One of the smart methods to utilize email re-targeting strategy is to introduce relevant, new products or services to your existing customers. This way, the ads feel more personable, which could potentially drive significantly higher conversion results.

Onsite re-targeting strategies

Re-targeting strategies are not just exclusively used to bring users back. If done well, brands can use this strategy to keep visitors longer on their website or to convince them to make their first purchase or up-sell and cross-sell products. Learn the importance of multi-channel marketing here.

How should brands do it? With exit intent popups. Some would argue that popup ads have the potential of ruining the customer experience, but the truth is marketers and brands still use them because they work. It’s a matter of how brands leverage them. By giving out discount codes, for example, and combine it with the appropriate CTA buttons, popup ad could be the final push that brands need to ‘force’ customer to make purchases.

Another way to re-target the on-site audience is by using side banners or promo bars that are not intrusive yet remain visible throughout their visit. Brands can utilize these banners to announce sale, for instance. This way, when visitors come to visit the website, the ad will not be interrupting their buying experience, instead, it could interest them to check out the sale and make further purchases. The key here is to offer information that is not intrusive. After all, customer experience is an important element in today’s marketing funnel.

Rounding Off

Re-targeting is an efficient strategy to focus advertising on people who are already familiar with your brand and have shown interest. However, like any other marketing strategies, it requires a systematic process based on data and constant interaction and relationship cultivation between brands and customers. Ads generated should follow the potential customers in an engaging way to trigger purchases.

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Folke Engholm

Currently based in Shenzhen, China, Folke Engholm is a result driven entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Viral Access, Asia’s leading Micro-KOL company.