How to Re-purpose Your Content

Folke Engholm
5 min readOct 30, 2019


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Did you know that 58% of global marketers spent more money on content creation in the year of 2018 alone? Yet only 37% of B2B brands and 38% of B2C brands have a content strategy (source).

There is no doubt, content marketing is at the heart of most successful digital marketing campaigns today. Behind every great brand is a wealth of valuable and relevant content that really connects with the company’s audience. As such, creating high-quality content is a highly important aspect in business strategy.

Read also: How to improve your social media marketing efforts.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Content creators are often pressured to deliver value-packed material that resonates to a wide range of audiences. This resource-consuming process is not only difficult but also tedious. Instead of racking your brain to constantly come up with new and creative topics, why not get the best out of the existing content to create a fresh one?

What does re-purposing content mean?

Literally, re-purposing content means taking existing content and reuse it somewhere else. To put it simply, you can use content from other social media platforms or other sites and add your own touches to upgrade and tailor your evergreen content to fit your brand and targeted audiences.

There are two ways to do it: change the format or change the target audience.

Why do you need it?

Content re-purposing is a handy strategy for many content creators and businesses because they come with a handful of benefits.

  1. Increase reach

A content that has been published years ago might have different impacts on different target audience if published today. By re-purposing old content you might be able to reach new market segments. Moreover, as audience’s preferences vary in terms of how they consume content, re-purposing content into different formats can earn you greater reach.

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2. Improve SEO

Re-purposing content into different formats allow you to publish them into different platforms and social media channels, therefore directly improve your SEO efforts. Additionally, the more content in various formats you put out there, you give your audience more chances to share your content, thus creating more backlinks to your website.

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3. Increase online presence

Having strong online presence is especially important if you want to raise brand awareness. When you re-purpose one content into different formats, you directly increase the number of content you created and the number of content you can publish in your website or channels, hence increasing your online presence.

4. Upgrade old content

Admittedly not all content published will have good performance. Re-purposing content give you the opportunity to transform your old content into something valuable for your audience today. By turning a lengthy article into an appealing info-graphic, for example, you could attract more visually-based audiences.

5. Maximize marketing efforts

This should go without saying. Re-purposing content’s primary strength lies in the way they help you optimize your time to create more contents. You save time doing research and can still yield more outputs packed with quality information.

How do you re-purpose your content?

Naturally, your most popular content has the greatest chance to be pushed further to attract new customers. Regardless, re-purposing content might still pose a challenge for marketers.

Here are some ways you can re-purpose your existing content.

1. Make a quote from an old post

There is no specific rule on how to re-purpose your content, but your goal is to save time. There’s nothing easier than posting a social media post with a simple quote taken from one of your old videos or blog posts.

2. Turn your blog post into a podcast/video

Article content takes a lot of time. Trust me, from doing research, coming up with interesting topics, to the actual writing and editing, there’s a lot of time-consuming process there. Besides, today, more people are actually responding better to audio and video formats. So, why not talk about one of the topics written in your blog post and make a podcast/video out of it?

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3. Change your “tedious” article to attractive info-graphic

People are visual creatures. They are naturally attracted to beautiful images. Integrate this into your content strategy by re-purposing your article into an informative info-graphic. A well-crafted info-graphic is very shareable and can easily trigger reactions from your audience.

4. Make a series out of a long content

There’s quite a bit more work involved in publishing high-quality content. Sometimes, you end up with a very long content. Instead of trying to publish it into one post, you can break the content down and make a series out of it. This way, you have more content materials beyond a single post (and potentially improve your SEO) and your readers can digest the content optimally.

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

In conclusion

When you focus your effort into producing a value-packed piece, you’re likely to draw wider reach and better response if you divide them into several formats and spread them into different platforms. This is why re-purposing content strategy works.

Read also: Ephemeral content marketing.

Re-purposing content allows you to reach your audience with the same information without making them feel like you’re supplying them with a repetitive idea. As such, not only will you save resources, but you can also find new ways to reach your audience.

So, how do you re-purpose your content?


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Folke Engholm

Currently based in Shenzhen, China, Folke Engholm is a result driven entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Viral Access, Asia’s leading Micro-KOL company.