Never Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

Folke Engholm
4 min readJul 10, 2019


The state of digital marketing is never constant. Diversification is the key to sustainable operation of business.

We have seen and experienced the transformation that digital technology has brought into our lives. Ever since the introduction of internet, digital development has never stopped evolving and disrupted how business operates. With the growing importance of digital marketing, brands have adjusted their marketing approach to integrate digital practice.

One common mistake that brands do is to rely on one specific marketing approach. Granted, it’s easy to get comfortable with a certain tactic which you know works, however, the state of digital marketing is never constant. It will be a capital mistake to invest your entire budget on a single strategy. Diversification is the key to sustainable operation of your business.

Diversification strategies work simply because of the nature of digital ecosystem. In the world where information and communication entangled amidst the existence of data, the speed of the change is almost impossible to measure. Just look at the evolution of social networks, for instance. Before Facebook, there was MySpace and now more audience is turning to Instagram and Twitter. The point is these changes are happening and impossible to stop. So, for businesses to survive in the long-term, they have to adopt and adjust.

Still, with the pace the trends are changing now, it’s extremely cost-inefficient to try to catch up with every single one of them and constantly come up with new strategies to cater to these trends. Instead, it will be far more efficient for businesses to spread their strategies accordingly to optimize their marketing budget as well as to minimize the risk.

Here are some of the benefits from diversification of digital channels.

Specific Target Audience

Every marketer knows that social media were different networks exist to cater to different types of users and audience. For example, B2B marketers who target professionals and other business owners will most likely get more favorable results if they make use of LinkedIn compared to other network. Likewise, Instagram is a visually-driven network, so e-commerce brands can utilize aesthetically-pleasing content to attract potential leads or even make sales. By allocating different resources based on the characteristics of the social media channels, business owners can effectively maximize their exposure.

Content Generation

The average attention span keeps decreasing. This should be massive signal for businesses to ensure the supply of creative and fresh content that would interest their target audience. By diversifying your content, you’ll be able to keep providing fresh, informative, relevant, and entertaining content that will matter to your targeted audience. Good content marketing strategy involves using different types of content to strategically reach your marketing goals. Using only one form of content limits exposure to one type of target audience which in turn limits the number of visitors reached. There are many types of content that can be utilized today, from blog, webinar, video, live-stream, or podcast among others.

Increase Traffic

Traffic to particular websites usually comes from different sources. 70–80% is organic traffic that usually comes from the usage of search engine queries while the rest are generated via paid advertising. But by diversifying links via link-building strategies, business can generate traffic from various channels in an effectively low-cost budget and improve their SEO rankings. There are different types of links that can be utilized, for example, editorial links, advertorial links, widget links, web-directory links, and many others.

Brand Equity

Strong brand equity can be achieved through strong online presence. In order to have an established social media presence, making use of the diverse digital marketing channels is essential to create awareness of your brand, products, and services. Strong brand equity allows brands to lower the operation cost because they don’t have to infuse more paid resources and marketing efforts and the audience knows more about your brand and products and have these knowledge and information retained in their mind longer enough for them to avail of what you have to offer and do it regularly.

Key Takeaway

There are plenty of channels today that can generate leads, target audience, and increase sales. Using only one channel in your strategy is wasting the opportunity for bigger business potentials and hindering future growth. A wise marketer knows the best way to maximize their marketing efforts to reach the right audience with the right message at the right time is via diversification.

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Folke Engholm

Currently based in Shenzhen, China, Folke Engholm is a result driven entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Viral Access, Asia’s leading Micro-KOL company.