Why You Should Give Room for Experiment

Folke Engholm
4 min readMar 21, 2019


Sometimes, a business venture just needs time to truly shine.

For ambitious entrepreneurs and marketers, there never seems to be enough time in a day to complete all the business-related processes. From courting new clients, planning strategies, negotiating terms and conditions and closing business deals, the phrase “Time is Money” is deeply embroiled in their minds throughout the project. But even when you’ve designed every little detail in every plan you made, accidents still can happen.

So instead of vexing on trying to predict and control how things will unfold and stressing over the uncontrollable, it is better to stay positive and cover your tracks as things unveiled. After all a successful marketer is one who can adapt in every step of business stage.

Time is a necessary companion in every successful business quest

Trust Your Instinct

Imagine yourself as the pilot on an airplane. You’re the one who controlled the course of the entire flight. Yes, of course technology and experienced crews definitely play critical parts in helping you landed the plane safely, but most often, veteran pilots rely best on their instincts throughout the process. It is the same for businessman. Apart from doing their duly duty to research the market, competitors and target audiences and collect important statistics and data, sometimes marketers just need to depend on their guts to make a successful breakthrough. Of course, instincts are not established in one day, hence, it needs time to be nurtured. As time passed, marketers will gain better perspectives and experiences needed to make a better business judgment.

Welcome the Surprise

It is almost impossible to plan every single step and expect the outcome to always unfold as you predicted in the first place. That’s why rather than fussing over the unexpected results and treating them as an obstacle, it is better to welcome these surprises as another perspective to improve your idea. At the end of the day, you can still gain valuable knowledge and experience from it.

Did you know that the invention of iPhone came out of an unexpected surprise? Initially, developers from Apple were working on a device that could compete with tablets from Microsoft. iPhone was originally started out as an iPad project as Apple engineers were researching various tablet designs with a virtual keyboard. When they present the idea of a multi-touch screen to Steve Jobs, he realized that mobility could give them a better edge to compete in the market with that feature. iPhone was released soon after and needless to say, it became an instant hit and practically changed the whole mobile phone industry in the next decade.

You could say that the invention of iPhone did not start as a vision but a solution to a problem. And with enough time for research and keen eyes to the change of the market trend, it eventually leads to a successful venture.

Optimize the Technology

If you ask me what the biggest supports are in my business quest, I’d say “technology” and “time”. Time and technology are two elements that made a perfect duo. Technology matures as time passed. Take Viral Access for example, as I started the company, there are hardly any ‘influencers’ and nobody ever heard of the phrase ‘influencer marketing’. Obviously, back that time, social media exposure hasn’t reached the level they are today. Along with time though, technology matures and becomes more sophisticated. The next thing you know, Influencer Marketing has become the next big-thing in marketing world today.

Another example comes from James Cameron, one of my favorite movie directors. Did you know that Cameron has expressed his desire to shoot the movie “Battle Angel Alita” since 10 years ago? And yet, the movie is just released to the market in 2019. The fact here is despite Cameron’s intention 10 years ago, the technology in movie industry at that time was simply not up to the standard to shoot Alita. But, instead of waiting in vain, Cameron went on and directed the movie “Avatar”, optimizing the utilization of the technology of that time. Avatar became a critically acclaimed box office hit and Cameron was praised for his outstanding breakthrough for technology application in movie industry. You could say “Avatar” is Cameron’s experiment before he goes on and directs “Alita” using the current technology.

Things to Consider

The examples above reflect the importance of time. Time gives enough space for experimentation. And this also applies for marketing and business. Sometimes, an idea or plan does not always work out on the first try, but by giving it enough time for research and trials, the idea could be explored in different context and possibly be upgraded in the future.

Indeed, most businessmen meet quandaries once or twice, but, in most situations, time would tenderly resolve everything at the end. That’s why by having a positive mindset and will to welcome the unexpected, as well as keen attention to keep track of the evolution of technology, I believe it is only the matter of time for a mere idea to blossom and truly shine.



Folke Engholm

Currently based in Shenzhen, China, Folke Engholm is a result driven entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Viral Access, Asia’s leading Micro-KOL company.