Tokensale instructions

Follow Coin
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2017

Hello Follow Coin community members,

This is a guideline to participating in the token sale. Please read and review these carefully before proceeding.

Key Points

  • Token sale begins on 2017–10–27 16:00:00 UTC
  • Purchases are limited to maximum 1000 ETH per wallet address
  • To make sure your transaction will go through make sure you set the Gas price to 50 Gwei and the Gas limit to 200 000
  • Read and understand the: whitepaper; and the tokensale terms
  • Follow our detailed instructions and tutorials
  • Do not send ETH from an exchange address as this will be lost
  • Be aware of scams
  • Only use the ETH address shown after agreeing to the token sale terms and conditions. Any other address is NOT CORRECT.

Use caution, don’t be scammed

All participants of the token sale should be extremely cautious as there can be many groups trying to impersonate the Follow Coin team in order to steal your funds. They may create fake versions of the website, fake social accounts with our logo or employ various phishing strategies. Always check (and bookmark!) our official communication channels and only use these to verify information, dates and instructions. Our official communication channels can be seen on our website

It is also important to note the following.

  • Follow Coin will not provide or engage in any pre-sale, discounts, reservation agreements or secondary sales in connection with the FLLW token sale. Any claims to otherwise are false.
  • Follow Coin will never private message you to solicit funds or personal information. Do not trust any messages if they request this, even if they appear to be coming from the Follow Coin team.
  • Follow Coin has a max cap per wallet of 1000ETH when purchasing FLLW. Anyone allowing or requesting the purchase of more than this is fake.
  • There will be a unique purchase process that every registrant is required to go through. Do not trust Ethereum addresses posted to Slack or any other communication channel.

Tokensale instructions

Before you start this process you want to be certain that the token sale has started. The start time specified in UTC timezone, so please convert to your local timezone to be certain. All transactions made before this time or after the token sale has closed will bounce and returned automatically to the sender, minus any gas required.

To help you through the process the Follow Coin team has created a pdf instruction and a simple video tutorial explaining this process step by step.

PDF link:

Video tutorial:

Step 1 — Go to the Follow Coin website and complete the registration

  1. Go to
  2. If the token sale is active there will be a white button to ‘Buy FLLW Tokens’. Click this button to proceed.
  3. Fill out your personal data and ether wallet address

Step 2 — Agree to terms and transfer funds

  1. Agree to the terms and conditions of purchase.
  2. Copy the token sale contract address to which you will transfer funds.

IMPORTANT: Only the address shown at this point in the process should be used. Follow Coin WILL NOT post this address on any other page or any other channel.

3. Transfer the correct amount for the desired amount of FLLW.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT purchase FLLW from an exchange address as the funds will be lost. You must purchase FLLW from a personal wallet address.

Step 3 — Purchase complete

Once the transaction is completed on the blockchain, you can configure your wallet to view your FLLW coins!

To view or transfer your purchased FLLW, first open the MyEtherWallet you used to purchase the tokens. At the right hand side you will see "Token Balances ". Click "Show tokens" to get a list of al tokens currently listed on MyEtherWallet. If FLLW is not listed press "Add custom token" and enter the following values:

  • Address: 0xA25D01d15fC0e3cDeDE1BEbEE4124394aaE0DB33(DO NOT SEND ETH TO THIS ADDRESS)
  • Token symbol: FLLW
  • Decimals: 18

You will now be able to see your balance and can transfer the tokens to a different address if you desire.
NOTE: There is a lockdown on the FLLW token. So transfers are not possible until 21 days after the end of the Token Sale.

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The Follow Coin team thank you for your support, we are very excited for the journey ahead!


Thomas van der Bijl

CEO of Follow Coin



Follow Coin

Follow Coin is here to lower the barriers of crypto investment markets.