How did Followine solve the problem of copied QR codes? The answer is “our algorithm”

2 min readJan 18, 2019


Sometimes the Followine team receive criticism regarding to the problem of the copy of QR codes. We never said it is not possible to copy them. As a matter of fact, we invested more than 1 year to find a solution and we developed an algorithm that is able to discern a copied label. Turning the weakness of the QR support into the highest point of Followine.

Why? We remind you that Followine is not only a deterrent to counterfeiting, but also an ecosystem able to fight to counterfeiting itself — managing to find out where and when it happened and allowing us to investigate to go back even to the author of the crime.

The ecosystem is based on our know-how, the experience gained by the team and the logical resolution of the various possible combinations of events. This is one of the key points of the objections raised by Followine towards other anti-counterfeiting projects.

In conclusion, we could say that we do want the QR codes are copied: more copies are circulating and easier will be that these copies will be scanned — and therefore will be easier for us to go back to the counterfeiters. Our main goal is to identify them and collaborate with the police and law enforcement to fight against this huge problem that affects the Wine Sector.

You will find all the info about our project in our White Paper:

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