Ep 18 — How to REALTOR in 90 Days

Follow Me Realty
2 min readAug 14, 2018


If you’re getting into real estate sales anywhere in the world, there are four keys to learning how to close deals like a pro in 90 days. I’ll keep it short because really, the secret won’t be found in these words I write; it will be found in how much action you take as a result of them.

Disclaimer: the rabbit hole goes deep; you won’t be the same and it will change who you are and how you go about anything in life after today. But I would bet everything I have that if you do what I’m about to tell you, not only will you be incredibly rich, you will create opportunities you’ve only imagined possible.

1. Define your money goal. As a new entrepreneur defining your money goal will set the starting point of achievement. This number will determine how many closings it would take you to reach your goal in a year’s time. Read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich for this one.

2. Establish a niche: find a market you want to start targeting: ie first-time homes buyers, luxury condos, new construction, etc) Learn all you can about your niche, and brand yourself constantly through as many social outlets as possible. Read Branding like a Boss, (free download here.)

3. 80/20 your time. Focus not so much on being busy, but productive. See what 20% of your efforts produce 80% of your results. To understand the importance of automating, delegating, eliminating, and outsourcing where possible, Read or listen to The 4 Hour Work Week.

4. Listen and learn. Imagine hearing about the art of basketball from recorded conversations between from Shaq and Kobe. Co-CEOs of Follow Me Realty Drew and DeeDee, talk shop in similar fashion on The Follow Me Show. This podcast is designed for new agents and is hands down the fastest way to learn about lead generation, real estate lingo, social branding, negotiations, even the mindset needed to be a Realtor. Fair warning: while super informative, it’s not for the faint of heart. The language heard here won’t be sugarcoated and is as cut-throat as the real estate industry itself.

These things alone will have an incredible impact on your career in the first few years. If you do all of the above, I mean really put in the time to become a sponge and soak up this powerful information , you will have super success in your career and in your life.

Originally published at www.followmerealty.me.

