How to Make Money as a Blogger: The Ultimate Guide

Oguntomi Omolara Dorcas
10 min readMay 31, 2024


Is writing your passion? You can turn it into a money-making career by blogging. In just 6 steps, taking around 1 10–15 minutes, you’ll learn to launch a blog. This includes selecting your blog’s name, finding your niche, designing it, and how to promote your content to 1 earn money.

Now, it’s easier than ever to start your online venture via blogging. You don’t need to be a tech whiz. Launching a blog in 2024 costs as little as 1 $34.50 to $65.40. This makes it a budget-friendly option. Part-time bloggers can earn huge sums, ranging from $250,000 to $500,000 each year.

Key Takeaways

  • Starting a blog can be done in 6 steps in 10–15 minutes.
  • Initial blog setup costs range from $34.50 to $65.40 in 2024.
  • Part-time bloggers can earn $250,000 to $500,000 per year.
  • WordPress powers over 60% of all blogs on the internet.
  • Web hosting typically costs around $5 per month with Bluehost.

Introduction to Blogging as a Profitable Career

Blogging is now a profitable job that lets people follow their interests and make money at the same time. But what is a blog, and why is it becoming so popular for earning money? Let’s start exploring the world of blogging as a way to make a living.

What is a Blog?

A blog is like a personal online journal, updated often with new stories and information in a more casual, friendly way.1 The first source says it’s easy to start and you don’t have to be an expert writer or web designer to begin. It’s a great way to start a business and make money on the internet.

Benefits of Starting a Blog

Starting a blog has many pluses. You get to share your thoughts and knowledge with people worldwide. Plus, you can build your own brand and possibly earn a lot.1 The first source points out that many people are choosing to earn money online, with some making from $250,000 to $500,000 a year through blogging.

Can You Really Make Money Blogging?

Yes, you can earn a good living through blogging.1 According to the first source, the starting cost in 2024 is between $34.50 and $65.40. Web hosting, like with Bluehost, is about $5 a month.2 Big bloggers, such as Ryan Robinson, can earn over $30,000 monthly. Additionally, Flippa sells blogs for six figures. With effort and smart methods, many bloggers can succeed financially.

Choosing a Profitable Niche for Your Blog

Picking the right blog niche is key. It can turn your blog into a money-making success. The niche you choose affects how much money you can make from blogging3. When selecting a topic, think about what you know well, how popular it is, and if you can make money from it. Your connections and the amount of competition matter too.

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Niche

According to experts, pick a niche that matches your interests and passions. This keeps you motivated to work hard on your blog for a long time. Also, make sure people want to see what you’ll post. Check sites like Reddit and Quora. This will show you what your potential readers are looking for.3

Becoming a go-to source in your niche is important. You should know enough to share helpful information. This helps you gain trust and more readers.3

Examples of Profitable Blogging Niches

A Google update and our growing focus on health and money mean finance and health blogs are gaining more attention. The dating industry’s big growth shows there’s money to be made too. This includes an estimated $2.86 billion USD in 2022.4

The source also lists 40 blog ideas with info on how many people might visit and how tough it is to stand out. This can guide new bloggers towards profitable niches. They can find areas where demand is high but there isn’t too much competition.

Setting Up Your Blog for Success

Starting a blog means planning and setup. The initial steps are picking a good domain name and web hosting provider. You need to get your blog online after this. It involves choosing a blogging platform and a hosting plan.6

Choosing a Domain Name and Hosting Provider

Your blog’s domain name is key. It should be easy to remember, relate to your topic, and be easy to spell. Using WordPress with Bluehost is a smart move. Many successful bloggers go for this combo. It’s trusted and works well.6

Pick your hosting carefully. Consider costs, space, data needs, and support. For example, Bluehost starts at $1.95 per month.6 But, Wix and Squarespace begin at $17 and $23 monthly. Having the best host means your blog will be easy to reach and run smoothly for your readers.

Installing and Customizing Your Blog Platform

After choosing a domain and host, you install and tweak your blog platform. WordPress is a favorite pick. It’s user-friendly and expandable with plugins and themes. It helps make your blog unique. With the right setup, your blog will look professional and match your brand. This attracts your intended audience.

Creating High-Quality, Engaging Content

Great blog content is key. Like the first source says, “If content is King, then quality content is Holy Roman Emperor.”7 To really get your audience’s attention, posts should be fun, useful, and interesting. This means writing powerful text, making it easy to find online, and adding things like images and videos.

Writing Compelling Blog Posts

First, catch the eye with a bold headline.8 Next, keep readers interested by sharing stories, asking them to think, and telling them what to do next.8 Becoming great at making blog posts that people love is all about these steps.

Optimizing Content for Search Engines

It’s not just about the readers. Optimizing content for search engines matters too. This means picking the right words, placing them smartly, and making posts easy to read.8 Doing this improves how often people find your blog when they search online.

Incorporating Multimedia Elements

Make posts pop with multimedia like photos, videos, and charts.8 These add breaks, make things pretty, and explain tough stuff well.8 Mix these in to give your readers a richer, more unforgettable read.

Building and Engaging Your Audience

If you want your blog to be seen more, use social media. Start by sharing your posts on your personal accounts. Then make special accounts for your blog. These accounts will help you share fun content. Use cool pictures, infographics, and videos to catch people’s eye. This way, more people will be interested in what you write.

Promoting Your Blog on Social Media

Social media lets you connect with readers and send them to your blog. Share your posts on places like Facebook, Twitter, and more. Talk to your followers to make a strong community.8 Add photos and short videos to your posts. This makes them more fun and shareable.

Guest Posting on Other Blogs

Want to get more readers and seem like an expert? Try guest posting. Ask other bloggers if you can write for them. This lets new people see your work. It also helps you get better known and liked by search engines.7 There are many places that welcome guest posts, like over 101 sites.7

Leveraging Email Marketing

Getting fans through email is strong for any blog. Ask people to get your newsletter. Offer them good stuff in return, like special content or deals. Keep them updated with your new posts and news. Email can make your readers into big fans of your blog.8

how to make money as a blogger

For many, blogging is now a key way to make money. Bloggers make around $37,073 a year on average, Indeed reports.6 To make money this way, you need a good plan for how to earn. We’ll look at making money through your blog by using blog monetization strategies and finding affiliate marketing chances. We’ll also talk about how to work with sponsored content and advertising.

Monetization Strategies for Bloggers

Top bloggers use many strategies to make money from their work. They might use ad networks such as Google AdSense. With these, they get a cut of the money for every ad click or view.9 Bloggers also make money through affiliate marketing. This means they get a commission by promoting products or services on their site.9

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing can be a goldmine for bloggers. It lets them earn money by promoting other companies’ stuff to their fans. Those with a strong following and a deep knowledge in a certain area can make a lot. Some can even make more than $100,000 in a year after attracting a lot of visitors for two years.7

Sponsored Content and Advertisements

Getting “sponsored” or hosting advertisements can also make good money for bloggers. Big brands look for bloggers with lots of visitors to post sponsored content or ads. The more people visit your blog, the more money-making potential it has. For example, Cup of Jo gets over 4 million page views a month and 1 million unique visitors.7

To really make money, bloggers often use a mix of these strategies. You need to focus on making top-notch content that your readers love. This will attract advertisers wanting to reach your audience or sell their products with you.

Offering Premium Content and Services

Bloggers with a big following can offer special, paid content and perks.10 This can lead to steady earnings. It includes exclusive content, community spaces, learning stuff, videos, and special services for members.

Creating and Selling Digital Products

They can make and sell digital goods like e-books, courses, and webinars.9 They handle the sales, making these products a good income source.

Offering Online Courses and Webinars

Bloggers can also offer online classes and webinars, adding value to their blog.9 This lets them make money from their expertise while offering more detailed learning to their fans.

Providing Consulting or Coaching Services

Bloggers deeply versed in their field can give one-on-one advice or coaching.9 This helps them deeper connect with readers and brings in more income, whether through online or community meet-ups.

Expanding Your Blogging Business

As your blog gets bigger, it’s smart to find new ways to make money. Diversifying blog income helps protect you from risks. You won’t rely on just one way to make money.

Diversifying Your Income Streams

According to Indeed, bloggers make an average of $37,073 a year. But, some top bloggers make much more. For example, Ryan Robinson makes over $30,000 a month2. And Adam Enfroy earned $1.5 million in two years from blogging2. Some blogs sell for six figures on Flippa2.

To be as successful, don’t just rely on ads or affiliate marketing. Think about selling digital products, making online courses, or offering coaching. Consider influencer marketing and forming partnerships influencer marketing for bloggers.

Leveraging Partnerships and Influencer Marketing

When you have a solid group of readers, partner with brands or influencers in your area. This could be through sponsored posts, product placements, or joint projects. It’s a great way to reach more people and make more money.

Work with micro-influencers or experts for influencer marketing. This can bring in new followers and more money. Lily Ugbaja earned over $100 in her first month with email marketing2. Brittany Berger says email was her best in making sales.


This guide has shown how to start a blog and make money. It’s for new bloggers or those wanting to grow. The main tips are to pick a popular topic11, write great content people find easily12, share it well on social media12, and make money through various ways like partnerships13, ads11, selling digital stuff13, and offering special services13.

Bloggers can earn a lot, like one who makes over $10,000 a month12 or someone who earned $150,000 in a few years13. Getting into the top 1% of earners is hard but doable with smart effort. It shows with hard work, focus, and strategy, blogging can pay off11.

Stick to your blog’s unique topic and keep improving. Spread the word and grow your income ways. This guide gives you what you need. Now, start your blog journey, and reach for that financial freedom through blogging11.


What is a blog?

A blog is a website updated regularly with new content. It’s usually casual in style. Many bloggers aim to get readers and make money online.

What are the benefits of starting a blog?

It’s easy to start a blog and make money. You don’t have to be an expert writer or developer. It’s a great way to run your own business online.

Can you really make money from blogging?

Making money through blogging is realistic. There are many ways to turn your blog into a profitable venture. This includes various strategies and opportunities to earn.

How do I choose a profitable niche for my blog?

Think about your expertise and the topic’s popularity. Also, consider how much money you could make. Your industry connections and the competition in the field matter too.

What steps are involved in setting up a successful blog?

First, choose a name and topic for your blog. Then, find a hosting provider and set up your blog. Next, pick a free WordPress theme and write your first post. After that, promote your blog to reach more readers and start making money.

How can I create high-quality, engaging content for my blog?

Your blog needs to be both fun and useful to people. It’s key to produce high-quality content. Remember, “quality content is Holy Roman Emperor” online.

How can I promote my blog and build an audience?

Use social media to promote your blog. Share your posts and create social media accounts for your blog. Using images, infographics, and videos helps attract more readers to your content.

What are the main monetization strategies for bloggers?

Bloggers can earn money with ads, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing. They can also sell premium content or services, digital products, and offer coaching. These are the main ways to make a living from blogging.

How can I diversify my income streams as a blogger?

Successful bloggers explore new ways to make money as they grow. They look for opportunities beyond their first ways of earning. This keeps their blogging business strong and adaptable over time.

