How to claim a V2 FomoApe

4 min readFeb 2, 2022



Before reading this I suggest having a look at this article which goes into detail about how many V2 FomoApes you are entitled to and why we made the decisions we did.

As such this tutorial will only the cover the how.

Stage 1: Home Page:

Home page with claim button highlighted

Since most of you reading this tutorial will have minted in stage 1, hopefully this looks familiar to you. You should also notice (if you haven’t noticed from the big red circle) a new button called claim.
Press that to start the claim process

Stage 2: Connect Wallet:

Connect page

The first step is to connect your wallet. Pressing the connect button will pull up metamask. If you have already connected and your browser remembers you then this won’t show up. If you connected to the wrong account, choose the right account, lock your metamask wallet and refresh the page.

Stage 3: Authenticate:

Authenticate page

In order for the contract to burn the V1 tokens it transfers them to an inaccessible address, as such it needs the ability to transfer V1 tokens. If you have already authenticated then this page won’t pop up.

The team advises all V1 owners to wait for time when gas is low before authenticating and claiming (this will save on gas)

Stage 4: Metamask:

Metamask transaction

Before accepting the transaction please verify that the grey rectangle shows SET APPROVAL FOR ALL and the address shown in the top left (FomoApes) in this case is the address that holds the tokens that you want to claim.

Stage 5: The Waiting Game:

Waiting page for authenticate

Because the blockchain must mine the authenticate transaction before processing the claim it is Extremely important that you wait for the metamask transaction success notification. The team also recommends that you click view transaction id on metamask and ensure that etherscan confirms the transaction has been mined. If you rush to claim you may loose some gas.

Stage 6: Claim Page

Empty claim fourn

In order to give users as much flexibility as they want we decided to allow you to enter which NFT’s you wanted to claim. This means you can claim all 25 at once (for our biggest holder) or just 1 or 2 as you see fit. However, you must know the id of the NFT’s that you want to claim …

Stage 7: Checking Owned NFT’s

Click on this link to access your account and view which FomoApes you own. From there you can choose the ones you want to claim. Please note that claimed NFT’s will have exactly the same traits as their V1 counterparts, so if you have a rare V1 you are guaranteed a rare V2. You can see that I am the owner of #1, #2 and #301.

Stage 8: Entering Tokens

Token enter page

Next, enter your tokens that you would like to claim (for some reason I’ve entered 7 here -instead of 2) and press claim. Again, make sure to verify you have entered the right tokens (unlike me) as you may loose out on gas.

Please also note that unless you press the + and the number gets its own ‘bubble’ you have not entered the token. Hovering over a successfully entered token will cause it to go red. You can click on a token at anytime to delete it

Stage 9: Price Check


Finally confirm that the Metamask transaction is requesting 0 eth and confirm the transaction.


Be sure to follow our socials: discord and twitter and don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions

Thanks for reading,

Lead Developer - RotaryCarrion




FomoApes is a collection of 4900 generative NFTs ready to takeover the ethereum blockchain.