Bernie Sanders Vs Hillary Clinton: Which is Changing America, and Which is Digging Themselves into a Hole via Narcissism?

Alfonso KC
6 min readSep 13, 2017


I think the vast majority of us know the obvious answer to this one.

When it comes to legitimately caring about the well-being and prosperity of the American people, the events of the 2016 Democratic Party Primary showed us that Hillary Clinton was far off of this goal, and that Bernie Sanders had surpassed this goal years before he ever step foot in DC. While Clinton ignored her campaign contributions from Wall Street crooks, the pharmaceutical industry, the private prison industry, the fossil fuel industry, the military industrial complex, the healthcare insurance industry, and so on, Bernie focused on fixing the rigged economy that gives the top 0.1% almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%, abolishing corporate influence in politics by publicly financing elections, actually regulating Wall Street, solving the opioid epidemic, ending private prisons, transforming our energy system from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, ending the war on terror, implementing a Medicare-for-all healthcare system, and making public colleges and universities tuition-free.

This difference was clearly visible once these two were put side to side in the primaries, but now it’s even more visible when you look at what both have decided to do after the election.

Bernie Sanders: Inspiring Youth, and Transforming the Democratic Party

If you need a break hearing about the horrendous passages inside Hillary Clinton’s book, here’s some optimistic news. Bernie Sanders has opted to write a book specifically geared to the youth of this country. Called “Guide To Political Revolution”, it is meant to get the younger generations politically savvy and involved in the political process. He explains in the introduction:

I want to dedicate this book to the younger generation. You are, in many ways, the most progressive generation in the history of our country. You have opposed racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and oligarchy. You understand that greed and the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality that we experience is not what the United States is supposed to be about. You know that climate change is real, and that we have a moral responsibility to take on the fossil fuel industry and transform our energy system away from fossil fuel and into energy efficiency and sustainable energy.

What this book is about is converting that idealism and generosity of spirit into political activity. And when you do that, I have no doubt but that you and others like you will create a lot better world than the one my generation left you.

Each chapter of the book is centered around one issue, and at the end of each chapter, there’s a “Mobilize” section, where there are links to websites, and other resources that detail how to actually take action on the issue the chapter previously talked about. If that doesn’t sound like an absolutely fantastic idea to try to solve the sometimes present political apathy in younger generations, then I don’t know what is.

But not only is he trying to inspire and activate a whole generation, he is also trying to transform the Democratic Party, specifically transforming the way Democratic Party leaders think about Medicare-for-all.

Before, I have actually criticized Bernie Sanders on trying to work with Democratic Party leaders, saying that it’s not possible, that’s he’s trying to move unmovable rocks, and that it’s a mission that will not reach its goal. And while I still have my serious doubts about this strategy, it seems as if Bernie Sanders has convinced some of the most corporate of corporate Democrats to go along with his brand new Medicare-for-all bill in the Senate, including Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Al Franken, Kristen Gilibrand, and others.

(Ironic how the Wa. Po. frames “putting dems on the spot” as bad, when it’s actually a good thing.)

At the time of writing this (Sep. 12th), thirteen major Democratic senators have pledged to come on board and cosponsor the bill. That number is likely to increase even more when the bill is introduced, there will be an update at the bottom of this article when more senators decide to join or show up as cosponsors of the bill on the bill itself.

Unfortunately, now it’s time to move on to our other subject in juxtaposition, Hillary Clinton. Oh boy. Now, the things that Bernie is working on right now should still be kept in mind as we travel through the mystical, mysterious, and mischievous mind of her majesty the queen of corporate Democrats, just so we understand the sheer amount of difference in how they are deciding to spend their time right now. So here we go…

Hillary Clinton: “Ummmm…..…it was not my fault!!!! I promise…”

Out of boredom, narcissism, or both, Hillary Clinton fully released her book on the 12th called: “What Happened”. Not a very hard question, considering that the answer is right below the question anyway.

In this book, she manages to get absolutely everything wrong about the 2016 election. She simultaneously claimed that Bernie Sanders stole her ideas, but that he couldn’t debate her on policy so he resorted to sexist attacks, and that because her character was impugned, she lost. Take a look:

No matter how bold and progressive my policy proposals were…Bernie would come out with something even bigger, loftier and leftier, regardless of whether it was realistic or not.

By the way, Hillary, everyone knows that’s just not the case. He did not steal your nonexistent ideas, you stole his in the general election to try to appeal to his voters. But, she continues:

Because we agreed on so much, Bernie couldn’t make an argument against me in this area on policy, so he had to resort to innuendo and impugning my character. Some of his supporters, the so-called Bernie Bros, took to harassing my supporters online. It got ugly and more than a little sexist.

This is actually exactly the opposite of what happened. You, Hillary, could not make an argument with Bernie on policy because your policies are less favorable than his, so you, not him, resorted to impugning his character, by, say, calling him and his supporters sexist.

But she still has a little more to say:

Nonetheless, his attacks caused lasting damage, making it harder to unify progressives in the general election and paving the way for Trump’s “Crooked Hillary” campaign.

Ok, one, I’m pretty sure Trump was calling you Crooked Hillary long before Bernie had a chance of beating you. And two, hate to say it, but he was right, you are one of the most corrupt politicians in history; anyone running against you, whether Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump, would be stupid to not attack you on this. It’s your fault that you’re corrupt and that your running mates pointed it out, you made it harder yourself to unite progressives in the general election because you were very obviously corrupt and not interested in serving the people of this country.

I would go on quoting all the dumb things she said in this book, but like most, I just get more devoid of life the more I hear her speak. You can easily tell the calculated nature of her speech, and how nothing is genuine, and it’s all to try to make her look good, even though she is unknowingly digging a hole for herself. It is unbelievable to me how she still does not get that America does not like her no matter what. It takes a certain amount of clinical narcissism to think that she is still relevant in American politics, and that she can diss the most popular politician in America and get away with it without criticism.


For anyone doubting that there’s a difference between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, and that one genuinely cares about the American people, while another can’t give up their quest for power, doubt no more. While Hillary Clinton is trying to play the victim, blame her loss on everyone else, and still trying to be accepted, Bernie Sanders is trying to make a real difference in the way things are run around here. And it’s working. Bernie Sanders is making a real change in this country as we speak, it’s time to let Hillary Clinton sink back into the woods as we watch progressivism become the center of political discourse, debate, and law.

Update (09–13–2017): Ed Markey (D Mass.), Patrick Leahy (D Ver.), and Jeanne Shaheen (D N.H.) have joined as cosponsors, increasing the total number of cosponsors up to 16, a third of the entirety of Democrats in the Senate.

