Clean-Eating Foods List

Mohit Kumar
5 min readAug 30, 2022


Clean up your diet with these healthy clean foods to eat more often and learn which foods to watch out for.

When your refrigerator, freezer, and cabinets are stocked with healthy, clean items, eating clean is much simpler. Whole foods like fruits and vegetables are obvious options while following a clean diet. A clean-eating diet can also include foods with few ingredients and minimal processing.

Pick meals that contain whole grains, healthy fats, and little or no added sugar or salt. You might be wondering which items to actually eat when you’re eating clean, from the fruit section to the butcher counter, from sweets to drinks. Here is some advice on how to fill your kitchen with things that make eating healthy simpler.


Fruit is often a good choice. Though some people are concerned about fruit’s sugar level, fruit is also a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Natural sugars are generally not a reason for concern among health professionals because it’s difficult to consume too much of them while still receiving healthy nutrients. Fruits in cans and dried fruits should have labels checked for added sugars.

You can count fruit juice as part of your required daily fruit intake as well — just make sure it’s 100% juice. You might wish to limit your intake because even 100% fruit juices lack the healthy fibre found in whole fruits.

Clean Fruit to Choose:

  • Fresh fruit
  • Canned fruit with no added sugar
  • Frozen fruit with no added sugar
  • Dried fruit with no added sugar
  • 100% fruit juice


The foundation of your clean-eating meals should be vegetables because they are a rich source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Vegetables that are canned or frozen are also nutritious, but make sure to choose those without sauces and always check the label because even foods that appear to be plain may have salt added. When you don’t have time to prepare a meal, there are several easy methods to eat vegetables. In addition to frozen options, supermarkets provide a selection of pre-cut vegetables and even pre-spiralized veggie noodles. We’re all for quick fixes that make it simpler to incorporate vegetables into your diet, but beware of vegetarian chips and veggie spaghetti that may just contain a light dusting of actual vegetables.

Clean Vegetables:

  • Any fresh vegetable
  • Frozen vegetables with no sauce or added salt
  • Canned vegetables with no sauce or added salt

Whole Grains

The good-for-you carbohydrates that provide fibre and nourishment are whole grains. Whole grains are largely unprocessed and include just one ingredient, including brown rice, quinoa, barley, oats, farro, or millet. They are as spotless as it gets. Other whole-grain options include whole-wheat varieties of bread, pasta, English muffins, and refrigerated pizza dough (just make sure whole-wheat flour is the first component and there isn’t sugar in the ingredient list).

Even popcorn is a whole grain; purchase the kernels, pop them on the stove or in an air popper, and have a healthy snack free of the additives and fattening calories found in microwave packages.

Clean Whole Grains:

  • Single-ingredient grains, such as farro, millet, oats, barley, quinoa, brown rice, etc.
  • Whole-wheat pasta
  • Popcorn
  • Sprouted whole-grain bread and English muffins (with no added sugar)
  • Whole-wheat pizza dough


The fiber- and nutrient-rich carbohydrates that are good for you are whole grains. Brown rice, quinoa, barley, oats, farro, and millet are examples of whole grains that are minimally processed and have just one ingredient. They are as spotless as they possibly can be.

Other whole-grain options include whole-wheat pasta, bread, English muffins, and pizza dough that can be stored in the refrigerator (just make sure whole-wheat flour is listed as the first ingredient and there is no sugar in the ingredient list). Even popcorn is a whole grain; simply buy the kernels and pop them on the stovetop or in an air popper for a healthy snack that lacks the chemicals and fatty calories found in microwave bags.

Clean Dairy Foods:

  • Plain yogurt
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Unsweetened non-dairy milks


Meat provides iron, vitamin B12, and protein. Bologna, salami, pepperoni, and hot dogs should be avoided if you want to eat healthier because they are processed foods. These and other processed meat products may also contain artificial colors and preservatives and are often heavy in sodium.

You can aid in clean eating by selecting ecologically sustainable protein when it is possible. To assist you in understanding what the labels on chicken, hog, and beef represent, we’ve produced clean-eating instructions for each.

Many fish species include heart-healthy omega-3 fats, making fish and shellfish excellent sources of protein. When it’s possible, pick seafood that was caught sustainably. To assist you in making informed decisions, look through our seafood buyer’s guide for clean eating.

Eggs are a terrific option; just make sure you consume the yolk in order to get the extra protein and minerals.

For plant-based proteins, consider nuts, seeds, and beans. Just remember to seek out lower-sodium alternatives when you can.

Clean Proteins:

  • Single-ingredient meats: chicken breast, chicken legs, ground beef, etc.
  • Seafood (choose sustainable options, such as wild salmon and Pacific cod)
  • Eggs
  • Unflavored nuts (e.g., almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts)
  • Plain nut kinds of butter (no added sugar)
  • Dried beans
  • Canned beans (rinse to reduce sodium by 35%)


You decide how “clean” your diet is. You can restrict additional sugar or completely eliminate it. When you’re eating healthy, the majority of packaged conventional desserts don’t meet the bill. Usually, they are produced with refined flour and a lot of extra sugar.

You don’t have to eliminate sweets from your life, though. You can make snacks at home using fruit, whole grains, and less sugar, or you can prepare some fruit-based delights completely without any added sugar.

