Foodie Finn
1 min readFeb 1, 2016

Evolution of Foodie Finn

Finland is often misunderstood when it comes to food. When I say food, I mean everything from traditional Finnish foods, junk foods sold in the supermarkets, bakeries in coffee shops to ‘exotic’ ethnic restaurants which are found all over Finland.

One common misunderstanding is that the traditional Finnish food is bad.

Its wrong. Traditional Finnish food is unique, and its disappearing.

Another common misunderstanding is that Finnish people only eat simple ‘boring’ foods, such as boiled potatoes, simple salad and grilled sausages.

That seems to be wrong too. Finland’s food is heavily influenced by foreign food culture. In some cases, it is almost impossible to find what is ‘Finnish’. Pizza, pasta, and rice has already become an essential part of modern Finnish appetite.

In the streets of Helsinki, there are dozens of European, American, Mediterranean, and Asian restaurants. In fact, most of the Finnish 9-to-5'rs have lunch everyday at one of those foreign restaurants.

Finnish people can eat good amounts of spices too. Although not in their heredity, they have learned and developed quite curious taste for spices.

One of them is the writer. I like to try different foods. Its an adventure for me and I love it. I will share my experiences with you.

I will be going to the different restaurants to have lunch and dinner in forthcoming days and write about my experiences. I will review the restaurants I visit and the food I eat so that it could be a reference for you.

I will start with ethnic restaurants.