Pros and Cons of DoorDash for Restaurants

Foodiv's Corner
5 min readMay 16, 2024
Pros and Cons of DoorDash for Restaurants

In recent years, food delivery services have revolutionized the restaurant industry, offering unprecedented convenience for customers and new revenue streams for restaurants. Among the many players in this field, DoorDash has emerged as a leading platform, connecting millions of hungry customers with their favorite local eateries. As of 2023, DoorDash holds approximately 65% of the U.S. food delivery market, highlighting its significant impact on the industry. For restaurant owners considering DoorDash restaurant registration, it’s important to understand the potential benefits and drawbacks. Is partnering with DoorDash a smart business move, or are there hidden pitfalls to be aware of? In this blog, we’ll explore the pros and cons of using DoorDash from a restaurant owner’s perspective.

Introduction to DoorDash

DoorDash, founded in 2013, has rapidly grown to become a dominant force in the food delivery industry. Its user-friendly app and extensive delivery network have made it a favorite among customers. For restaurant owners, the decision to join DoorDash involves considering various factors, including costs, potential benefits, and operational changes.

Pros of DoorDash for Restaurants

Increased Sales and Revenue

One of the most compelling reasons for restaurants to join DoorDash is the potential for increased sales and revenue. By tapping into DoorDash’s vast customer base, restaurants can reach new customers who might not have otherwise discovered their establishment. According to DoorDash, restaurants on their platform see an average increase in sales of 20% to 30%.

Expanded Customer Reach

DoorDash provides restaurants with an opportunity to expand their customer reach beyond their immediate geographic area. This is especially beneficial for restaurants located in less-trafficked areas or those looking to grow their brand presence. With DoorDash, your restaurant can attract customers from neighboring towns and cities, effectively increasing your market size.

Convenience and Ease of Use

The DoorDash platform is designed to be user-friendly for both customers and restaurant owners. The restaurant registration process on DoorDash is straightforward, allowing eateries to quickly set up their profile and start receiving orders. This ease of use can save valuable time and resources, enabling restaurant staff to focus on preparing delicious meals.

Marketing and Exposure

DoorDash offers various marketing tools and promotional opportunities to help restaurants increase their visibility. Features such as sponsored listings, promotional discounts, and featured spots in the app can help attract more customers. Additionally, DoorDash’s strong brand recognition can lend credibility to smaller or newer restaurants.

Data and Insights

Partnering with DoorDash provides restaurants with access to valuable data and insights about their customers. This data can include information on ordering patterns, popular menu items, and customer feedback. By analyzing this data, restaurant owners can make informed decisions about menu changes, marketing strategies, and overall business operations.

Cons of DoorDash for Restaurants

High Commission Fees

One of the most significant drawbacks of using DoorDash is the high commission fees. DoorDash charges restaurants a commission fee for each order placed through their platform, which can range from 15% to 30%. These fees can significantly impact a restaurant’s profit margins, especially for small or independently-owned establishments.

Loss of Control Over Customer Experience

When using DoorDash, restaurants relinquish some control over the customer experience, particularly regarding delivery. Issues such as late deliveries, incorrect orders, or poor customer service by DoorDash drivers can negatively impact a restaurant’s reputation, even if the restaurant itself is not at fault. Maintaining quality and consistency can be challenging when relying on a third-party service.

Dependence on a Third-Party Platform

Relying heavily on DoorDash can make a restaurant dependent on the platform for a significant portion of its revenue. This dependency can be risky, as changes in DoorDash’s policies, fee structures, or market position can directly affect the restaurant’s business. Diversifying sales channels is essential to mitigate this risk.

Menu Limitations and Modifications

The DoorDash platform may require restaurants to modify their menu offerings to suit delivery constraints. Some dishes that are popular in-house may not travel well or maintain their quality during delivery. Restaurants may need to adapt their menu, which can sometimes lead to a compromise in the quality or variety of offerings.

Complex Restaurant Registration Process on DoorDash

While DoorDash aims to simplify the onboarding process, some restaurant owners may find the restaurant registration process on DoorDash to be cumbersome or time-consuming. This can be especially true for those unfamiliar with digital platforms or lacking technical expertise. Additionally, maintaining an updated and accurate menu on the platform requires ongoing effort.

Tips for Maximizing DoorDash Benefits

For restaurant owners considering or already using DoorDash, here are some tips to maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks:

Optimize Your Menu

Focus on offering dishes that maintain their quality during delivery. Avoid items that are prone to becoming soggy, cold, or otherwise compromised in transit. Test your menu items to ensure they meet your quality standards when they reach the customer.

Leverage Marketing Tools

Take advantage of DoorDash’s marketing features to boost your visibility. Use promotions, sponsored listings, and discounts strategically to attract new customers and encourage repeat business.

Maintain Clear Communication

Ensure clear and effective communication with DoorDash drivers to minimize delivery errors. Provide detailed instructions for order pick-up and special handling requirements for delicate items.

Monitor and Analyze Data

Regularly review the data and insights provided by DoorDash to understand customer preferences and improve your offerings. Use this information to refine your menu, adjust pricing, and develop targeted marketing strategies.

Diversify Your Sales Channels

Avoid becoming overly reliant on DoorDash by diversifying your sales channels. Develop your own online ordering system, partner with multiple delivery platforms, and promote direct takeout options to balance your revenue streams.


Joining DoorDash can offer significant benefits for restaurants, including increased sales, expanded customer reach, and valuable marketing opportunities. However, it also comes with challenges such as high commission fees, potential delivery issues, and a loss of control over the customer experience. By carefully weighing the pros and cons and implementing strategies to maximize the benefits, restaurant owners can make an informed decision about whether DoorDash is the right fit for their business.

Ultimately, the success of a restaurant’s partnership with DoorDash depends on its ability to adapt to the platform’s requirements while maintaining the quality and integrity of its offerings. With thoughtful planning and execution, DoorDash can be a valuable tool for growth and expansion in today’s competitive food service landscape.



Foodiv's Corner

Foodiv is an online food ordering system that supports sales in restaurants and cloud kitchen or ghost kitchen.