10 real-world examples where Hyperledger Fabric is making significant strides in Food Safety

3 min readJan 5, 2024



In an era marked by heightened consumer awareness and an insatiable appetite for information about the products they consume, the food supply chain faces the challenge of meeting these evolving expectations. Enter Hyperledger Fabric, a permissioned blockchain framework that is reshaping the landscape of food traceability. Much like IBM Food Trust, Hyperledger Fabric provides a robust foundation for establishing transparency, security, and efficiency throughout the intricate web of the food supply chain. This article explores ten real-world examples where Hyperledger Fabric is making significant strides, revolutionizing the way we track, verify, and ensure the safety of our food.

  1. Walmart’s Pork and Mango Pilot: Walmart collaborated with IBM Food Trust, leveraging Hyperledger Fabric, to trace the journey of pork in China and mangoes in the U.S. This initiative aimed to enhance supply chain visibility, reduce food waste, and improve product quality.
  2. Food Trust by Nestlé and Carrefour: Nestlé and Carrefour joined forces to use Hyperledger Fabric for their blockchain-based food traceability platform. This initiative enables consumers to access detailed information about the production and journey of various products, starting with mashed potatoes.
  3. FoodLogiQ’s Supplier Management:FoodLogiQ, a food supply chain software company, utilizes Hyperledger Fabric to enhance supplier management. The platform allows for efficient tracking of suppliers, certifications, and compliance data, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  4. BeefChain’s Beef Traceability:BeefChain employs Hyperledger Fabric to provide consumers with detailed information about the origin, quality, and processing of beef products. This blockchain solution enhances traceability and supports sustainable and ethical practices in the beef industry.
  5. IBM Food Trust’s Blockchain for Tuna: IBM Food Trust, built on Hyperledger Fabric, collaborated with multiple companies in the seafood industry, including Thai Union, to enhance traceability in the tuna supply chain. The blockchain platform ensures the authenticity and sustainability of tuna products.
  6. Bumble Bee Foods and SAP’s Blockchain Pilot: Bumble Bee Foods and SAP implemented a blockchain pilot using Hyperledger Fabric to trace the supply chain of yellowfin tuna. This initiative aimed to improve transparency, reduce fraud, and build consumer confidence in the seafood industry.
  7. Te-Food’s Global Food Tracking:Te-Food utilizes Hyperledger Fabric to create a global food tracking system. This blockchain solution enables real-time monitoring of the food supply chain, ensuring the safety and authenticity of products across various regions.
  8. AgriDigital’s Grain Trading Platform:AgriDigital utilizes Hyperledger Fabric for its blockchain-based platform that digitizes and streamlines grain trading processes. This solution enhances transparency, reduces paperwork, and provides a secure environment for grain transactions in the agricultural supply chain.
  9. Kvarøy Arctic’s Sustainable Salmon Traceability:Kvarøy Arctic, a Norwegian salmon farming company, uses Hyperledger Fabric to provide consumers with detailed information about the journey of their salmon products. This initiative supports sustainability and ensures transparency in the salmon supply chain.
  10. Provenance’s Transparency in the Seafood Industry: Provenance employs Hyperledger Fabric to offer transparency in the seafood industry. The blockchain platform allows consumers to trace the origin and processing of seafood products, promoting ethical sourcing and reducing the risk of fraud.


As we navigate an age where consumers demand more than just sustenance — they demand knowledge, trust, and ethical choices — Hyperledger Fabric emerges as a powerful ally in the food supply chain. The examples presented illustrate how this blockchain technology, with its emphasis on permissioned access, traceability, and smart contracts, is not just a theoretical solution but a practical force driving positive change. From farm-to-table organic produce tracking to ensuring sustainable and transparent practices in the seafood industry, Hyperledger Fabric is catalyzing a transformation that goes beyond blockchain hype. It is a testament to the collaborative efforts of industries, tech innovators, and consumers towards a future where the food we consume is not just nourishing but also a story of integrity, accountability, and trust.

At Piccosoft developed Foodtraze specializing in Hyper Ledger Fabric and Blockchain technology. They are enthusiastic about the revolution that the technology can bring to food safety and traceability. For more details, visit www.piccosoft.com




Foodtraze: For Bringing Complete End-to-End Transparency in Food Supply Chains https://www.foodtraze.com/