Valentine’s Day for Gays

John Rust
5 min readJan 22, 2024


Valentine’s Day is a day of love and affection, celebrated by millions of heterosexual couples in many countries all around the world. However, for many gay men, this day can be a bit more challenging and complicated. While society has made significant strides in accepting same-sex relationships, there is still a long way to go. In this article, we will explore what Valentine’s Day means for gay men and how they can claim this holiday and celebrate their day of love.

Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate romantic love and admiration. But for some gay men, it can be challenging to find ways to express their love and affection openly.

Unfortunately, not all gay men have had a positive experience on Valentine’s Day. Some have faced discrimination and hatred from those who do not support their love. Some of us recall being harassed and called derogatory names while out on a Valentine’s Day date with a partner.

Let’s be honest. Gay men still face discrimination and prejudice, which can make it difficult to celebrate this day in the same way as heterosexual couples. However, there are many ways that gay men can celebrate this day and show their love for their partners without playing into the heteronormative narrative. February 14 isn’t an exclusive hetero-holiday contrary to the bombardment of advertising, greeting cards, and movies, featuring images of what relationships “should” look like. Valentine’s Day is yours for the taking! They don’t own it. Create your own kind of holiday. You can choose to participate in the traditional consumerism side of Valentine’s Day, or scrap it. Gifting chocolates, flowers, and altered valentines might be your defiant way of owning what is deservedly yours!

In this article, we will discuss some of the challenges that gay men face on Valentine’s Day and offer some tips on how to celebrate this day in a way that feels authentic meaningful, and in some ways “original.” Whether you are in a long-term relationship or just starting out, there are many ways to make this day special and show your partner how much you care. So, let’s dive in and explore Valentine’s Day for Gays!

Dark Disturbing Origins

The Festival of Lupercalia

Valentine’s Day, also known as Saint Valentine’s Day, has its roots in ancient Rome. The festival of Lupercalia, celebrated on February 15, was a fertility festival that involved sacrificing animals and whipping women with the hides of the animals to promote fertility. Patriarchal violence was on parade! Oh, and please note, not one man was beaten to make HIM fertile. In hindsight, how effective was that behavior?

It was not until the 5th century that Lupercalia was replaced by Valentine’s Day, named after Saint Valentine, a Christian martyr.

The legend of Saint Valentine is shrouded in mystery, but it is believed that he was a priest who lived in Rome during the reign of Emperor Claudius II. Claudius II banned marriage because he believed that married men made poor soldiers. Saint Valentine defied the emperor’s orders and continued to perform marriages in secret. He was eventually caught, stoned, tortured, and beheaded on February 14th. Hallmark has yet to sell that greeting card.

Growing up as a gay man, you were socialized and taught that Valentine’s Day was a celebration of romantic love just between a man and a woman but later you may have discovered that wasn’t true. Valentine’s Day can be an important day for gay men to unapologetically celebrate their love for each other in a public space. For some gay men, Valentine’s Day provides an opportunity to celebrate their love and relationships openly. It is a day that allows them to express their love without fear of judgment or discrimination.

This public presence and cultural recognition also helps to normalize the gay lifestyle and help break down cultural barriers and stereotypes. It provides an opportunity for people to see that love is love, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

Many Valentine’s Day events and celebrations are often organized by LGBTQ+ organizations and groups. For some, these events provide a more comfortable, safe, and inclusive space for gay men to celebrate their love and relationships. They also help to promote community and solidarity within the LGBTQ+ community. When it comes to celebrating Valentine’s Day, for some gay men, it’s important to choose inclusive spaces. This means selecting venues and events that are welcoming and accepting of the LGBTQ+ community.

One way to find inclusive spaces is to do your research. Look for venues and events that have a history of supporting the LGBTQ+ community, or that have received positive reviews from other members of the community. By navigating social acceptance and choosing inclusive spaces, you can celebrate as an authentic gay man with both confidence and pride.

Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to celebrate love and affection with just your partner. As a gay man, you may be looking for unique and special ways to make this day memorable. Here are some celebration ideas that you might find helpful.

Romantic Gestures

Small romantic gestures can go a long way in showing your love and appreciation for your partner. Some ideas may include:

  • Writing a love letter or poem
  • Making a homemade gift
  • Cooking a romantic dinner together
  • Decorating your home with candles and flowers
  • Planning a surprise date or weekend getaway
  • Going on a romantic hike or walk
  • Taking a cooking or dance class together
  • Visiting a museum or art exhibit
  • Seeing a live performance or concert
  • Going on a hot air balloon ride or other adventure
  • A Valentine’s Day dance party at a gay bar
  • A charity event or fundraiser at the LGBTQ community center
  • Attending drag shows or cabaret performances
  • Going to a movie or game night with friends
  • Enjoying a romantic dinner at a local LGBTQ+-owned restaurant
  • Customizing a vintage Valentine

Remember, the most important thing is to celebrate your love and affection in a way that feels authentic and meaningful to you and your partner. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Here’s a fun video to watch for inspiration!

