How to change Edit Original in Illustrator to Photoshop?

Vadik Matveev
2 min readOct 13, 2016


The problem.

I pressed the Edit Original button in Adobe Illustrator, Windows opened MS Paint as the default application for edit shell. It maked me cry! I hated it. Almost every solution to this problem that I could find on the Internet was mindless. People adviced to change the default application for all .png and .jpg files to Photoshop. Really? Impractical! After that I‘d be stuck with running PS every time I wanted to open an image even just to look at it. It seems more stupid to me than running MS Paint from Illustrator.

But I didn’t give up. I remembered that few years before on my previous work I had solved this problem with Windows Registry. It was easy to do, but hard to find. I wrote more than 20 google requests and read a lot of identical and useless advice before I found the right solution. Not to forget, I decided to write this note.

The solution (for Windows).

  1. In the Windows Search for write “Run” («Выполнить» in russian)
  2. In the opened window write “regedit” and press Enter. Click OK on the Windows question about permission for this app and move on. The command “regedit” opens Windows register editor.
  3. In the left panel go to the path: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\image\shell\edit\command
  4. Then double click on the only line in the right panel (see the picture below)

5. In the open window write your path to the Photoshop.exe file with quotes (“C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015\Photoshop.exe” — my path)

6. Press OK and check it in Illustrator.

What is the result? Now you can edit linked images in Photoshop directly from Illustrator. Your default settings for viewing images will be the same as you prefer. I hope it will be useful.

