How to Choose the Right Bunion Treatment in Singapore: Tips and Considerations

Footworks Podiatry
5 min readMay 6, 2024
How to Choose the Right Bunion Treatment in Singapore: Tips and Considerations

The protuberances at the bottom of the thumb, known as bunions, have the ability to transform simplicity into disaster, making even ordinary tasks agonizing. Walking to putting on shoes and bunions can be a discomfort and downright nuisance. The good news is that Singapore provides a variety of therapies for bunion pain relief, and you can find the ideal one to alleviate discomfort and improve comfort while strolling. But, let’s face it, how can you browse through the jungle of bunion treatments when there are so many other options? Don’t worry! We’ll show you how to choose the perfect bunion treatment Singapore in this informative article.

Understanding Bunions:

It is important to get a clear understanding of what bunions entail and the causative agents before recognizing the host of interventions available. Bunions, also termed hallux valgus in medical parlance, are bony outgrowths that form at the joint of the big toe’s base. The abnormally large outgrowth makes the big toe point towards the second toe and grows into a lump at the level of the feel. The leadership of the foot is rendered inefficient due to the misalignment that characterizes bunions. The soreness of the joint and the pressure, and friction of the skin surrounding the bunions result in swelling.

In this light, the set of people susceptible to bunions have varied levels of pain, discomfort, and agony when moving. The inefficiently working big toe and the equally irregular joint cause a problem in walking and maintaining balance. Bunions develop due to a combination of factors, and their genesis cannot be pinpointed to a single source. The genetic factor is imminently the main predisposing characteristic as people with an imperfect line of development are more prone. Wearing poor-fitting shoes generally tends to contribute to worsening the cause, with shoes such as narrow-toed dresses and high heels adding pressure to toes, leading to deformation. The sustained use of such shoes is likely to increase the misaligning of the big toe joint. Other foot-related issues are likely causative agents. Conditions such as arthritis weaken tissues that support the joints of the toes together.

Tips for Choosing the Right Bunion Treatment:

Consulting a Podiatrist:

The first step of your bunion pain relief journey, which ends with efficient and successful bunion treatment in Singapore, is visiting a podiatrist or orthopedic practitioner. These professionals are board-certified to treat multiple foot pathologies, including bunions. Once you enter the consult, the podiatrist will examine and diagnose the case in detail: they will critically evaluate the severity of the bunion, listen to your chief complaints, and consider your medical history. Then, an individualized bunion treatment Singapore plan will be designed based on your needs and targets.

Considering Non-Surgical Treatments:

Non-surgical strategies might provide bunion sufferers, particularly those in the early stages of the disease’s progression, a significant degree of relief and stop more advancing degeneration. They aim to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and restore normal foot function. Conservative approaches often recommended include:

Orthotic devices: These custom-made shoe inserts, often known as orthotics, provide support and realign the foot, thus diminishing pressure on the bunion and alleviating discomfort.

Footwear adjustments: Shoes with a wider-than-narrow toe box that have proper arch support can provide space for the bunion and relieve pressure from the affected region. However, it is critical to avoid high heels and shoes with toe jams because they might worsen the bunion-impaired area.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines: Over-the-counter bunion pain relief drugs, such as ibuprofen, or prescription NSAIDs, may help to alleviate bunioffendingion pain.

Exploring Minimally Invasive Procedures:

In cases where conservative approaches do not provide substantial relief, and the bunion deforms to impact daily function, alternative surgeries may be an option over traditional procedures. Alternatively, minimally invasive surgeries use modern advancements to create smaller incisions, less scarring, and quicker recovery. The minimally invasive bunion surgeries include bunionette surgery, commonly known as tailor’s bunion, and minimally invasive bunion surgery. Tailor’s bunion surgery removes extra bone on the external foot side for effective pain alleviation and improving the foot’s function. On the other hand, minimally invasive bunion surgery utilizes specialized instruments to correct bunion formation through small incisions.

Researching Surgical Options:

When non-surgical and minimally invasive treatments fail to restore proper foot function bunion, deformity might necessitate surgical intervention. Some of the advanced surgical surgical bunion treatment techniques available in Singapore include; osteotomy. It is highly performed by cutting and realigning the offending bones in the big toe joint and helps correct the deformity. This type of surgery may help to alleviate pain and enhance the stability of the toe by adjusting the alignment and angle between the bones.

Arthrodesis is reserved for people who have severe bunion deformity of joint destruction. It’s accomplished by fusing the large toe bones together, which stabilizes the joint and removes pain. Soft tissue repair that may involve surgical stabilization through repair of the soft tissues surrounding the big toe joint is another possibility. This may entail tightening loose ligaments or reconstructing damaged tendons to enhance joint alignment and alleviate pain.

Considerations for Choosing the Right Bunion Treatment:

Severity of the Bunion:

Bunion severity may vary from a mere bump to a major deformity that continuously aches and obstructs your every step. When you have a mild bunion, you may just have a slight deviation of the big toe with infrequent discomfort. In these cases, wearing very comfortable footwear and using orthotic appliances can be effective.

Recovery Time and Rehabilitation:

Moreover, the downtime from each operation and the requisite rehabilitation must be considered. Compared to standard open bunion procedures, minimally invasive techniques have quicker rehabilitation times, allowing patients to return to their daily lives more quickly. Nevertheless, the level of deformity caused by the bunion and any underlying structural pressures affecting the foot will decide how extensive and complicated the recovery will be.

Cost and Accessibility:

The prices of bunion treatment, as well as accessibility, may significantly vary accounting for the type of surgical procedure, the amount charged by a healthcare provider, and other expenses accompanying the medical intervention. Some costs might be defrayed by your insurer, several might necessitate full reimbursement through your savings.

