Force Network Incorporation Announcement

Force Network
2 min readAug 3, 2018


The Force Network is now officially incorporated in Malta. This article will go through the reasons for incorporating, publicly introduce the executive team, and answer a few questions about the incorporation.

Certificate of registration Limited Liability Company — Force Network

Why incorporate?

There are a number of reasons, but the main ones include:

  1. Bank Accounts — As a corporate entity, we can have corporate bank accounts and pay employees. This will speed up our timeline.
  2. Accountability — As a licensed and regulated entity, you can trust that we’ll act in the best interests of the Force Network
  3. Legal Protections — We’re trying to start something new here, something the world hasn’t seen yet. Incorporation provides a layer of personal protection and allows us to make our names public

Meet the people behind the corporation

Michael Dye (left), CTO, architected the new Force Network and is the primary author of the whitepaper. Loïc Bellez (right), CEO, led the community takeover of Force and has been working since at growing Force Network.

What does incorporation mean for you?

We’re not going to be offering dividends, or stock sales, or anything like that. Incorporation is a tool for us to officially hire developers, have recognized bank accounts, and work towards making the Force Network a reality.

Why a LLC (Limited Liability Corporation)?

After discussing with Lawyers in Malta, this type of structure gives us the most flexibility to deliver the Network how we need to. After initial development, the network will be much more autonomous and we can switch over to a foundation to support it (or any other form that makes sense).

What are the next steps for the Force Network?

Currently we’re focused on development and marketing. We have a lot of great developments in the pipeline to reveal, as well as our Bounty Program, upcoming interviews, more comparison articles, and other great marketing efforts.

Keep an eye on our Discord, Twitter, on Medium blog for updates.

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Force Network

Decentralized Internet, secured by blockchain technology.