Mother, you had no Right!

Bruce Curle
4 min readSep 6, 2022

We left so much unresolved!

Mother, it would be your birthday coming up on the 19th day of September. You were born in 1933 in Liverpool, England. You lived through the Blitz in London, came to Canada and joined the Canadian Military. You raised children on your own and lived a hard life at times.

Dorothy Margaret Curle with son John and baby Warren. Photo property Warren Curle 2021

But last October, you left your only surviving child. You had been very ill for some time, but you also showed improvement. I rushed to be nearby, and you would rally, improve, and be back to the Dorothy Margaret Curle so many knew and loved. Several times I was alerted you might go at any moment.

Then all at once, your soul left this earth and your body died on me. You had no right to do that, mother. I was going to come to see you that morning. I had heard over a dozen times you had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. I gave myself a day off to do other things. Just after six in the morning, I received the call. That morning I was coming, but you went and died before I could see you.



Bruce Curle

Writing to me is the ultimate method of self expression and freedom. I have written short stories, poems and scripts since I was around twelve years of age.