Encrochat also part of Myntex

Encrochat….. Are you still there?

Ford Nickelson
2 min readApr 5, 2016

I have recently been posting information on the new Crypto device on the market that claimed to be “The most secure device in the world” which turns out to not actually be true.

I was engaged in some back and forth with Encrochat (Who using there own website blog) tried to dismantle what I was saying in such a method that I truly believed a comedian was Ghost writing for Encrochat.

After we where challenged to post some FACTS on numerous occasions, I put together a technical post pulling part the voice feature on there device. Since then (31st of March 2016) I haven’t heard a single thing from them, It was almost as if they where stunned with the findings themselves and I honestly believe the Encrochat team are now working behind the scenes to fix the issues we exposed, the thing is though It’s not just there “voice” that is broken, there are issues with Enco Chat and also Encro Mail also which we will post up very soon.

On top of that after being told I was basically a LIAR and that Encrochat isn’t owned by a company in Canada nor is the owner called Jeff (It turns out his name is Geoff Green) but we have the evidence to show that Encrochat is actually part of MYNTEX based in CANADA by GEOFF GREEN who also owns the PGP domain names for SUPERLOCKTIGHT registered in the name of yup you guessed it GEOFF GREEN………….who is also selling ENCROCHAT devices heavily on his MYNTEX website.

So we now have Encrochat blogging that they didn’t know Geoff nor SuperLockTight — which has been shown to be FALSE (Encrochat favourite cap locked word)

So the mask seems to have slipped from Encrochat — It turns out that SuperLockTight is a PGP reseller URL ultimately owned by Geoff Green of Myntex Inc

Superlock details can be found here — http://wa-com.com/superlocktight.com

What is really important is the blatant lies in which ENCROCHAT tried to say they weren’t associated with Geoff Green of Canadian PGP supplier Myntex Inc — here is a nice blog entry that recently went live on Crackberry Forum — http://forums.crackberry.com/general-blackberry-discussion-f2/dutch-police-claim-crack-blackberry-encryption-engadget-article-1057881/index2.html

Finally if you go on to the main website and twitter account of Myntex Inc you can see with your own eyes the link between the Canadian company Myntex and Encrochat — http://www.myntex.ca/


Well this is embarrassing Geoff Green please feel free to drop some more FACTS of your because we all love your skills in writing with utter sarcasm.

I’m sure we will speak soon

Twitter — @fordnic1

