Why Is Everything Feels Like It’s Gonna End Up With ‘Goodbye’?

2 min readJun 16, 2024


A representative goodbye to school year 23–24

Credts To: Floyers (View from PCAAJHS)

The first day is full of blissful events. School year is hard to start with half of people you don’t know. Although, It may take a rough path into building new trust and beliefs, it’s not imposible for it to happen.

Suddenly you’ll realize that you made a full circle of friends. Full of laughters, jokes and humor that in a long run… you’ll adapt. You’d be surprise that everyone that you’re going to talk to will turned into a friend like closeness. That everyone around you simply just get along. So well, that you’re blinded for the fact that everyone’s connection is not perfect and forever.

It may seem impossible for the first quarter, but everything can go down with a simple competition.

Everyone is suddenly wrecked. Friendships are over left and right. The whole class suddenly collapsed. The whole pride is getting higher, while the point of every argument is small. Small as something that everyone can solve, if someone… just decided to lower their pride and think about the beliefs they are fighting for.

But is everything that salvageable?

Then you’ll realize how wrecked you are to even think straight. That everyone was so drowned to their own minds, the only thing they can do is to settle for what they heard. For what the whole class wants to know, and only what they want to believe.

That everyone is… not as ready to take responsibility to their actions. That we’re still somewhat a ‘child’.

That bearing the consequences of our actions is not better than settling from where we will benefit more.

That this year will also be separated, so what’s the use of fixing it before the school year ended?

Truthfully, I think its better.

The school year has not ended peacefully, but a more minimum one. We did not take the last day as a farewell.

Sadly, we left the room 113 with bad memories full of unheard insults, opinions and beliefs. We left our beloved and so called ‘pride section’ because we are too tired and burned out to fix everything.

Because honestly, we have come to realize that everything is not worth it to fix. That this room will forever the home of memories we have kept, loved and treasured.

That leaving It as it is, is the greatest decision.

Because in our mind, the class will still be who it was. How it started, and how it ended.




All I want to do is writing the ideas I have in my brain :) They're pretty confusing, but thats who I am.